Top 10 Bookish Resolutions for 2016!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Bookish Resolutions for 2016

1. Be a better proofreader: Ok, I don’t know how many times I slave over a post and then go over it with a magnifying glass to proofread and still almost ALWAYS find a typo! It happens every time. But by the time I find it, I’m always not in a place where I can fix it. So, for my first resolution, I think I need to go over my posts two or three times instead of one. 

2. Find a better balance of school work and blogging: Last semester I did ok, but I still got behind on review books REALLY FAST. (In case you didn’t know, September is a really big deal in publishing for some reason and ALL the books came out then.) I got a bit behind, but this year, I’m gonna try harder to stay on top of it more. I’ve made THREE DIFFERENT SPREADSHEETS and I think I can finally say I. AM. READYYYYY. 

3. Cross-posting to Amazon, Shelfari, Barnes and Noble, and Booklikes: This was one of my resolutions last year too, but I completely fell off the wagon. I did a mass cross posting one day and that was it. Now I want to do it each time I post a review. If not, at least one a week. Some way where I won’t be drowning in un-posted reviews… 

4. Attend more author events: I think this one may work because I’m in Houston now, but we’ll see. That’s what I thought last year, but then it didn’t happen. I went to one big event and that was it 🙁 

5. Attend BEA & TLA: I know this can go along with #4, but since they’re also big events, I thought they needed their own. This has been my dream since I started blogging 5 years ago. (!!!) I’ve been saving since last semester for both of these events and I can’t wait to go to both of them. The plus side, Texas Library Association’s conference is in Houston this year so I don’t have to spend money on traveling and the registration was only $100 because I’m a library science student! 

6. Make my BLOG more known: I feel like everyone knows me on Twitter and other forms of social media, but not my blog. It could also be because I once had homework assignments featured here, but at the same time… That’s not all my blog is. I want them to realize that this is FOR ME AND MY ENTERTAINMENT and that coming here won’t always bore you with library science homework. 

7. Get a job in a library: Clearly this is something out of my control, but at the same time, it’s something that I have to APPLY myself to (no pun intended) to actually achieve it. A lot of times my anxiety makes me re- think if I’m really ready for a librarian position and then I end up not applying. But this year, I won’t let my anxiety win. I will apply to any position I think I might like. Because really, HOW CAN I KNOW I WON’T GET IT IF I DON’T EVEN TRY? 

8. Use social media more: Twitter and Instagram I use already, but WHAT EVEN IS SNAPCHAT? lolol I always forget I have it and just use my regular camera. One day I will start doing better. If you follow me, I’m sorry lol 

9. Request more:  As stated, I’m so shy and quiet and afraid of rejection that most times I don’t even try to request anything. But with me making my blog more known and me trying to work in a library, I think I can make it work. (As far as backlist titles, with my classes I’m in, I’m going to be reading plenty of backlist titles so this is why I didn’t mention those titles!)

10. FINALLY bring my  feature to life!: I’ve had the idea for this feature for as long as I’ve had this blog. Not sure why I never did it. This year tho…. THIS WILL BE THE YEAR.

*11. RELAX:  I’ve noticed while writing this post that my anxiety is taking over in many ways. I need to remind myself that even though I’m using this blog to try to land a job, as well as using it for homework, I started it for ME. To have fun. To share my love of books with other readers. Not to post every day or have everyone in the entire world know me. Yeah I want my blog to be likeable by everyone, but the main person that needs to like it, IS ME. 
*= edited to add

This week’s TTT has definitely made me take a look at myself and realize that I’m letting my anxiety get in the way of a lot of things. Hopefully this will stop this year. Anyone have any motivational words? Leave them in the comments, I could definitely use them! 

Also, leave your links! I love visiting TTT lists! 

3 thoughts on “Top 10 Bookish Resolutions for 2016!

  1. OOoh nice! Yay BEA!! I'm sooo going this year!! You should go too! This is the first time ever that I will attend BEA and I'm nervous as heck! LOL! But it's a good nervous!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. These are great goals. Especially the one to relax! I gotta do that too sometimes. And I hope you can make it to BEA. It would be great to meet you in person!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  3. I think #3 on your list needs to be my number one ! I think that's another great way to get your blog out there.

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her