TTT: Top 10 Books I Really Love But Haven’t Talked About in Awhile

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books I Really Love But Haven’t Talked About in Awhile

The Anatomical Shape of a HeartFirst & Then
1. The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett: This book will definitely surprise you. It has a weird synopsis, but don’t pay attention to that. This contemp will definitely tug on your heart strings. (Pun intended) Plus the book boy is pretty hot and there’s a super hot scene on a roof that you shouldn’t miss if you look that kinda thing. (But really, who doesn’t?!)
2. First & Then by Emma Mills: Football, romance, and Pride & Pedjudice. What more do you need? But really I fell for the sassiness from Devon. She reminded me of myself and because of that I FLOVED her! 
GeorgeDamage Done
3. George by Alex Gino: The first line of the synopsis says it all: BE WHO YOU ARE. I loved this book because it’s a children’s book that shows self discovery. I HATE HATE HATE when people say “But he/she is just a kid! They don’t know what they want.” Um excuse me, did you know you wanted at the same age? Thought so. Add on to the fact that I have yet to find anywhere that says there’s an age requirement on this, that argument is not valid. *end rant* And this book teaches that and I’m so happy it gives transgender kids something to relate to. 
4. Damage Done by Amanda Panitch: This book will make you think you know something when in reality you know nothing. It’s a complete and total mind f*ck and I loved every minute of it. This was my favorite thriller of 2015 and I will talk about it until I’m blue in the face. If you’re a thriller fan and have not read this, come closer so I can shove this in your hands!!! *shoves you all the books*
Emmy & OliverThings We Know by Heart
5. Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway: This is unlike anything I’ve ever read and I love that about it. Add on to the fact that it read like a Lifetime movie, I really loved it. It may have been a bot predictable, but at the same time, it was so good I was able to look past it. If you’re a contemp and Lifetime fan (and believe me, if you’re a fan of one there’s an 87% chance you’re a fan of the other lmao) and haven’t read this, what are you waiting for? 
6. Things We Know By Heart by Jessi Kirby: I love that this one has the facts about heart organ donors. It was pretty cool to see how they correlated to the rest of the chapter. I thought it was pretty awesome to see the way this love story played out as well. 
The Fixer (The Fixer, #1)I'll Meet You There
7. The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: I’ll probably be talking about this one a little more since I’m reading the sequel right now, but if this is another one to read if you love Thrillers. Also if you love Scandal, you need to read this one. I was a little skeptical when I saw it mentioned in the synopsis, but it delivered. And I was pleasantly surprised at how much it resembled it. I was also surprised at how much I enjoyed it. 
8. I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios: I loved this one because it accurately described life in a small town. The romance was amazing and let’s not forget about the super hot disabled Marine. Not that I COULD forget, but that’s beside the point lol 
TeaseSecond Chance Summer
9. Tease by Amanda Maciel: Look past the hideous bright, shiny, foil cover, and look inside at the beautiful story underneath. I’ve never read a story other than this one where it was told from the story of the villain (or the “mean girl” in this case) and because of that I loved it. It was definitely unique and so good. 
10. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson: I was late to the party on this one, but that didn’t stop me from loving it just as much as everyone else. This is the book that made me realize that Morgan Matson was the Queen of Realistic fiction. I felt like I was in the story and everything about this book was completely true. I remember feeling every emotion as the characters in the story and falling in love with them as well. I want to re-read this, but I’m so scared to and I already know what’s coming this time. Ugh #TheStruggle! 

One thought on “TTT: Top 10 Books I Really Love But Haven’t Talked About in Awhile

  1. Ooh nice picks! Those are new to me reads!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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