TTT: Top 10 of my Most Recent 5 Star Reads!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 of my Most Recent 5 Star Reads! 
These are my most recent 5 Stars! 

The Long Game (The Fixer, #2)When We Collided
1. The Long Game by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: This series is completely unbelievable! I LOVE it and I can’t wait for everyone to read this one. ANother case of nothing is as it seems! Also, please read with caution, as it will cause your heart to speed up and you to hold your chest and gasp lol 
2. When we Collided by Emery Lord: I have someone in my family that identifys all too well with the disorder that Vivi has and I can honestly say (from what I’ve seen) it was done right. I recognized some of the same things my family noticed in my older sister. This is why I decided to give it five stars, the raw and realness of it all. 
The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire, #1)The Season of You & Me
3. The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine: There was absolutely nothing bad I could say about this book. I loved it so much! All the magic and the re-tellings and the villain! Everything was just really good to me and I loved it so much! 
4. The Season of You and Me by Robin Constantine: I LOVE light and fluffy romances and this is exactly what I got. Add on the bonus that it was set in the summer on a boardwalk with a beach and waves crashing to the shore? I loved it and can’t wait for everyone else to love it too! 
This Is Where It EndsThe Anatomical Shape of a Heart
5. This is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp: Wow so this was a debut for real? I still don’t believe that because really, this book was freaking amazing. It seemed as if Nijkamp has been doing this forever. I can’t wait to read anything else she writes because man, if it’s like this, I will LOVE it. 
6. The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett: Realistic fiction: CHECK. Super weird/unique plot: CHECK. Super hot romance: CHECK! All the reasons why I love books like this. I need more Bennett in my life! Like yesterday!
Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4)First & Then
7. Winter by Marissa Meyer: This book was 800+ pages and I loved every page. I’m so glad it turned out to be everything I hoped for and more. I can’t wait to read anything and everything else Marissa Meyer writes!
8. First & Then by Emma Mills: Football and romance. What else could a girl ask for? I also really like the humor that the MC had. So many moments when I found myself laughing out loud. Definitely reminded me of myself lol 
GeorgeEverything, Everything
9. George by Alex Gino: Let’s be honest, I talk about this on last week’s TTT. I NEED to be sure that everyone has read and loved this book because honestly…. This book needs to be read. It’s helping children find out who they really are, and I couldn’t respect that more!  
10. Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon: This book caught me completely off guard and I loved that about it. Of course the cover being gorgeous and the MC was a POC helped immensely as well, but still…. I loved this one and I hope everyone else does too! 

3 thoughts on “TTT: Top 10 of my Most Recent 5 Star Reads!

  1. Ooh nice! I can't wait to read The Shadow Queen!! Glad it was a 5 star read! That makes me happy! Winter was also really good and worthy of 5 stars as well! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. When We Collided and Everything,Everything are two books that are on the top of my TBR. I've heard nothing but good things about them. Great list!

  3. oh so many i have enjoyed and want to read. I really want to read shadow queen.

    great list.

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her