Blog Tour: Review & Special Post for: Wonder Woman at Superhero High by Lisa Yee

Hardcover, 237 pages

Release Date: March 1, 2016
Published by: Random House Books for Young Readers
DC Superhero Girls, #1
Source: Publisher
For fans of: Girl Power, Action,  LOL, Superheroes, Diversity, MG

     This groundbreaking new middle grade series follows DC Comics’ most iconic female Super Heroes and Super-Villains . . . as high schoolers. At Super Hero High, the galaxy’s most powerful teens nurture their powers and master the fundamentals of what it means to be a hero.


     When I first got the e-mail asking if I could be a part of the blog tour for this, I accidentally sent my reply without even saying yes. That’s how excited I was for this. I felt like this would be perfect for me. If you didn’t know, my nickname in high school was Wonder Woman and to this day I still collect things with her on it or artifacts from her! 
“A few might have even lacked much of a conscience. But no one was without an opinion.

     Wonder Woman is off to high school for the first time in her life. And she couldn’t be more excited! But unfortunately someone isn’t as happy as she is that she’s there! Wonder Woman must find out who it is before its too late! 
“Mother, I love and admire you. But when I grow up I want to be just like me.

pg. 11

     This book was filled with so many recognizable characters! From Wonder Woman to Cheetah, to Steve Trevor, so many people I remember from her comics. Add on to those that have their own (Harley Quinn and more!) and I fell super hard for this book! I loved getting a glimpse of some of my favorites as teens. I thought it was a really interesting idea and can’t wait to read the rest of the series!
“The Three POWS! Super-POWer! Brain-POW-er! Will-POWer!

pg. 33

     I loved the design of the book. Even the pages are just pretty. And then there’s the cover. How can it get better than that? This book has a pretty outside and has the content to match! The only thing I didn’t care for was the repetition. Wonder Woman took everything so literal, and it was just kind of weird to me that the author never showed her loosening up and finally enjoying herself. It would have been nice to see a little more growth in Wonder Woman. But the main thing I love about this series is the laugh out loud situations. This book is seriously hilarious because of Wonder Woman!
“A young superhero’s life can be divided into four categories. […] School, social life, sports, sleep. Pick three.[…] Which one are you going to do without?

pg. 156

      In short, this is a great read for middle grade students that love suerheroes. Bonus points if it’s a girl looking for some Girl Power in her superhero books! Since finishing I have since given it to my little sister who is loving it so far!

Overall, I give this


See! I told you I was obsessed with her. Believe it or not, this is only a REALLY small portion of what I own of her! I have more actual comics at my mom’s house and even more blankets and toys, and coffee mugs and more. My little sister (whom I’m giving this book to now!) is my enabler. She buys me everything Wonder Woman because she knows I’ll love it! I can’t wait to see what she thinks of it! 
Also, I once did a post of how my nickname of Wonder Woman and how it originated! You can find it HERE. There’s also information about another book on that page that I absolutely adored! 
And last but not least, I CANNOT forget to mention that there is a new YA Wonder Woman book coming out in 2017!!!! And to make it better, it’s by Leigh Bardugo, an amazing author! I can’t wait to get my hands on it too! 
Any of you have nicknames? 
Any of you have random collections?
Who’s your favorite superhero?
Which DC chick do you hope to see in this series by Lisa Yee? 
Lisa Yee 
Lisa Yee was born and raised near Los Angeles. As a kid, she loved reading, opening brand new boxes of cereal (to get the prize), and riding the teacups at Disneyland.

Lisa attended Brightwood Elementary School in Monterey Park, California where she once won an award for best decorated cake. However, Lisa cut the ribbon in half because her friend Linda had also worked on the cake, and they had agreed to split any prize they might win.

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her