Boats, Planes, & Trains featuring: The Way Back to You by Michelle Andreani & Mindi Scott

So one of my biggest reasons to name my blog Take Me Away was because I have never been many places other than where I’ve physically lived. To compensate I read many different books so I could visit them in the “literary sense.” And now that I’ve read so many of them, I’m here to talk about my favorite ones. The best part about this… It can range from any genre! As long as I can envision it (or look it up on Google lol) I can see myself “visiting” there! 

If you don’t want to know what places they go to in this book, don’t read this post! There are minor spoilers on the places they visited, but none on why or what happened! 

The Way Back to You
I thought this would be a pretty cool one to do a Boats, Planes, and Trains post with because it’s a ROAD TRIP book! I’ve never been to any of these places that the book lists, so I loved seeing them in the book. So, I will split it up by what the book did! 

Map from Bend, OR to Sacramento, CA
From Bend, Oregon to Sacramento, California! 
Here’s something from Sacramento!

Image result for Sacramento Children's theater

     There’s a play in it and I won’t go into details for fear of spoilers, but goodness it was emotional. My heart was a little broken by this scene. I’m almost 100%  positive this isn’t what the set of that play would look like, butttt I’m pretty sure this is how the play and audience would have looked. I can almost see myself sitting in the audience with Cloudy and Kyle!

Map from Sacramento, CA to Santa Monica, CA
From Sacramento, California to Santa Monica, California! 
Here’s something from Santa Monica!
Image result for astroburger
     As for AstroButrger, I’m not sure this is one a real place in California, but it’s so cool that I got to “visit” there. I really wish I could have had one of those milkshakes tho…. I loved this scene because it mentiooned a 50’s theme and it was also a place that could “mix anything with ice cream.” lol 

Map from Santa Monica, CA to Sedona, AZ

From Southern California to Sedona, Arizona

Flintstones Bedrock City - Valle, AZ, United States. Entrance

     When I first read this book and saw this place called Flinstones Prehistoric Park, I just KNEW it wasn’t a real place. Imagine my surprise when an entire Yelp account for “Flinstones Bedrock City” came up. When they make it here both Kyle and Cloudy find out more about themselves and each other. But another reason I picked to talk about this place, was because it was just cool. One day, I want to visit there. I’m sure this place was COOL when the cartoon was still just as popular on air!

Map from Sedona, AZ to Las Vegas, NV
From Sedona, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada
Image result for las vegas, strip
     I thought this location was cool because obviously they get to vist some really cool places here! But for this stop I’m going to go with the Las Vegas strip! They visited other places, but this is the only one that won’t induce spoilers lol There’s not really much that happens here, (I think they just mention it) but it’s still a place I have never visited before. I had the chance to go once before, but couldn’t get the money in time. But now I’m so upset that I missed it. I mean LOOK AT THE PICTURES OF THE LIGHTS! 
So there you have it! A few pieces of my favorite parts of the setting! 
What were your favorite parts of the setting in The Way Back to You?
Any of the things I mentioned here?

All photos are found on Google and linked back to where it was found. 

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her