Top 10 Bookish Things I’m Thankful For!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Bookish Things I’m Thankful For! 

1. All my bookish friends and family: There is no better feeling than having friends and family members who can fangirl over the same things I do. For instance, me and my mom have been reading the same things since Harry Potter and I can’t be more grateful that she loves the written word just as much as me! 

2. I’m thankful for all the books: This is probably a stupid one, but I can’t leave it out. I’m so thankful that in this dreadful time I have somewhere less dreadful to escape to. Unless of course, I’m reading a dystopian, but that’s beside the point lol 

3. I’m thankful for my job: I can honestly say I am able to go to work and NOT hate my job. I have been there only two weeks and I’m already thinking about retiring with them! lol 

4. I’m thankful for the library: Ok 3 & 4 may be one in the same, but still not lol I have 3 (YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT… 3!) different library cards and I can truthfully say I am actively using all 3 of them. I have 2 in the town I live in and 1 from the place where I’m from! I love all three libraries as well!

5. I’m thankful for publishers: I got some of the BEST bookmail today and I’m so thankful for it. I’m ready to binge read it as soon as I get out of school for the semester! (ICYMI: I got Wintersong for a Blog Tour and HOLY COW I HAVE BEEN DESPERATELY ANTICIPATING THAT BOOK!)

6. I’m thankful for bookish conferences: I went to two amazing ones this past year and I’m thankful I could go to them both. Not only did I get to do some new things (like eat Chicago Deep Dish!) but I also got some good books and met some even better bookish friends! (Hey Amber! Hey Jess! Hey Cassi! Miss y’all!)

7. I’m thankful for my favorite authors: You all are amazing and I know I could never write as good as you all, so I’m so gratefful that you all have written these ridiculously amazing worlds for me to lose myself in. 

8. I’m thankful for diverse books: Because I’m NOT the “default” and quite honestly I don’t want to be. I’m so thankful to finally have SOME books that look like me.  

9. I’m thankful for expanding my reading horizons and being surprised by finding something that I love: I think this one is most important because I have rarely done this, but each time I’ve been pleasantly surprised by books I never thought I’d like. The most recent are for my adult class, The Martain (Adult Sci-Fi) and Moon Called (Adult Fantasy)!

10. I’m thankful for beautiful covers: This may sound dumb, but these are the reasons why I grab books and add them to my TBR. Many times I don’t even read the synopsis if the cover is pretty enough. (*ahem*Flame in the Mist *ahem*) 

What bookish thing are you thankful for?
Did you find any of them on this list too?!

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Bookish Things I’m Thankful For!

  1. OOoh nice!! I could agree with a lot of these things as well! But I can honestly say I only have the one library card! Thinking of adding a second one though! LOL!

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