National Couple Appreciation Month!

     If you were looking around my blog, you saw that it was kind of neglected this weekend. It was not on purpose. I actually got married on Saturday! However, I had no idea it was couple appreciation month! So, in honor of me loving books and romance in books and my own romance, here is a shout out to some of my favorites! (*SOME SPOILERS AHEAD. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.)

     I did this on a display at work and added some classics like Romeo and Juliet as well. It was actually a hit. These were the original ones I used, but I need your help to add more and keep it going throughout the month! Give me some of your favorites! 

The Sun Is Also a Star

Natasha and Daniel:
     This couple is one of my favorites. They went through so much in such a short amount of time and they still triumphed. If that isn’t love, I don’t really know what is. This book made me laugh, it made me cry, and it made me angry. Anytime I can feel that many emotions for the characters, I know I’ve fallen for the book. 

Girl Against the Universe

Jordy and Maguire:
     I fell for Jordy because he was so patient with Maguire and her illness. It reminded me of me and my husband. He didn’t know much about anxiety and what he did know, he didn’t know anyone with it. Now we’ve been together seven years and he’s still learning about it.) Maguire and Jordy are perfect for each other <3

The Anatomical Shape of a Heart

Bex & Jack:
     I loved them the most because they seemed so different to mw, but they were absolutely incredible together. I loved that she was different from all the other YA chicks I have read about in the past and I love that she’s different. Their chemistry together was great and I loved that they were both artists, just different types! 

Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5)

Rowan and Aelin:
     I’ve been on this “team” for forever and I’m glad things have started going my way. Not really happy about the ending to the most recent one, BUT I still can’t wait to see what happens when they finally meet again. Until then, I’m just going to be cheering them on and hoping that they can finally one day rest and just be together lol 

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)

Cinder & Kai, Scarlet & Wolf, Cress & Thorne, Jacin & Winter:
     This is one of my favorite series of all time and every last ship I ever had from it was amazing lol I LOVED seeing how everyone developed and I even had some of the quotes from some of them on my table markers for all of them. 

Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)

Isla and Josh:
     Everyone was so excited when  they heard this was about Josh from Anna and Etienne, but I definitely didn’t know who he was. But when I started reading about him, it didn’t matter. I loved seeing them together! Isla was super cute and her original crush on him was absolutely adorable. Them finally together melted my heart and I STILL go back and reread my favorite passages every so often!

If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)

Mia & Adam:

     This is one of the most heartbreaking books I’ve ever read. What they went through is so hard and I can’t believe that as teens they had to endure that. Plus, I was extremely jealous of how their romance was… I’m an adult and that “play me like a cello” line even worked on me lmao 

New Moon (Twilight, #2)

Bella & Jacob:
     SHUT. IT. I don’t care what you people say, I will forever and always be TEAM JACOB. I was Team Jacob BEFORE the movie came out and he was super hot and Taylor Lautner lol Hence the reason I chose the New Moon cover and not Twilight because I liked it when he wasn’t there as much haha 

So, who’s your favorite couples?
Who do you think should be appreciated this month?
Any of your favorites seen here?!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her