Busted by Gina Ciocca

e-Audio, 8 Hours & 6 minutes

Release Date: January 2, 2018
Published by: Sourcebooks Fire
Read from: January 26-31, 2018
Source: Netgalley (I received a copy of this book from the Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.
For fans of:  Contemporary, Romance, Realistic Fiction, Laughing Out Loud, Stand-alones, YA

     Marisa wasn’t planning to be a snoop for hire—until she accidentally caught her best friend’s boyfriend making out with another girl. Now her reputation for sniffing out cheaters has spread all over school, and Marisa finds herself the reluctant queen of busting two-timing boys.
     But when ex-frenemy Kendall asks her to spy on her boyfriend, TJ, Marisa quickly discovers the girl TJ might be falling for is Marisa herself. And worse yet? The feelings are quickly becoming mutual. Now, she’s stuck spying on a “mystery girl” and the spoken-for guy who just might be the love of her life…


      I really love when I’m completely surprised by a book. And low and behold, this was one of those books! I had this on my radar but was still iffy because not too many people were talkinig about it. But I’m so glad I was able to finally read it because it completely shocked me!
     It all started with a cheating boyfriend…. And that’s how Marisa became a snoop for hire. And then everyone wants in on it and Marisa gets a job sniffing out all those two timing assholes. But then an old “friend” comes back in the picture and wanting to catch someone. But that’s where things begin to get tricky…. Is Marisa falling for him herself? 
    There was so much about this story that I liked. I really liked that there was a mysetry on top of the two timing losers that Marisa was trying to catch. It gave the story a bit more “oomph” and I loved that. It also wasn’t something I was expecting. With there being two different mysteries going on, I was more focused on one and it made it difficult to figure out who had really done either one!
     I am a huge fan of mysteries and contemporary romance, so putting the two together was awesome. And it was even better because I couldn’t guess who the culprit was. I was kept guessing until the last minute. This isn’t usual for me, as I am ALWAYS able to guess whodunit. That made me like it so much more. 
     I also really liked the characters. Charli and Marisa are friend goals. Like they really did everything for each other. They helped each other, they had fun together, and they held each other accountable. And I loved the supporting characters as well. They all had something about them that made me fall for them. 
     I just wish I had a bit more of the romance. I loved FINALLY seeing them together, but it was literally for only a split second. I wanted to see more of them together. I know that for the most part this story wasn’t about this, but I think it still should have been shown more. 
     This was on my radar for quite a while, and I’m glad I finally got to it. I can’t say I expected to like this as much as I did, but I really loved reading this. I really hope more people start talking about it!
Overall, I give this
There will be no quotes because it was read via audio. 

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