Book Blogger Hop: Classic Re-tellings!

 Do you enjoy reading retellings of, or ‘sequels’ to, classics? Why or why not?

Depends. If it sounds really interesting, then yes. I’m more of a fairy tale re-telling kind of person, not so much the classics. (However I’m listening to Cadaver & Queen, a re-telling of Frankenstein, and so far it’s very intersting.) But I’ve just never been a fan of most classics. The only one I’ve really read and really liked was The Great Gatsby lol (There are a few amazing re-tellings of Gatsby that I liked tho, with Great by Sara Benincasa being my favorite!)

What about you?
What’s your favorite classic re-telling?

One thought on “Book Blogger Hop: Classic Re-tellings!

  1. I love fairy tale retellings best too! Not big on the classics either! My one favorite though is The Count of Monte Cristo, which as far as I know doens't really have any retellings. Though I am not sure I'd read them anyway because I don't think it would have the same "flair" as the original one!

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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