TTT: Top 10 Best Books I’ve Read in 2018 So Far!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Best Books I’ve Read in 2018 So Far!

Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas, #2)Black Girl Magic
1. Bruja Born by Zoraida Cordova: Man, I have to say I was NOT expecting to fall for this series like I did. I really loved the first one and I finished it right before this one came out. And then I got upset that I read it because now I have to wait on the next one after a bomb was dropped at the end….. 
2. Black Girl Magic by Mahogany L. Browne: I read this powm over my desk when it came in at work and I cried. And I repeated this cycle three times. This book is really Black Girl Magic. Buy multiples. Or tell your library to buy some. I know I did!
Monday's Not ComingWhite Rabbit
3. Monday’s Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson: After not having read Allegedly, I wasn’t really expecting to love this as much as I did. I remember picking it up and reading the first paragraph… And then I promptly went and switched my entire TBR around so that I could read this one instead. 
4. White Rabbit by Caleb Roehrig: I LOVED Last Seen Leaving so I didn’t hesitate to get his next one. And then I fell for this one too. I guess I can safely say Roehrig is one of my favorites!
Ghost BoysThe Wicked Deep
5. Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes: I LOVED this one. There’s not too many middle grade books that tackle this subject, so I’m really happy that someone tried. Definitely something that needs to be focused on in all age groups. 
6. The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw: I have never been to Oregon, but the writing style in this book definitely took me there. And the plot twist in this one was A1. I loved this one and I really hope she publishes something else soon. 
Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1)The Wedding Date
7. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi: There’s not much I have to say about this one. I really loved the world, the characters, and the magic. I will forever be a Tider
8. The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory: I haven’t read very much adult romance, but those that I have read had NOTHING on this one. Jasmine Guillory created relatable characters and such a touching romance. I loved Drew and I loved Alexa and I loved them even more. 
Broken Beautiful HeartsSave the Date
9. Broken Beautiful Hearts by Kami Garcia: I read her horror series and I wasn’t really THAT into it, so I think that’s why I wasn’t in such a rush to get my hands on this one. However, I wish I HAD been rushing to get to it, because I really liked it. The romance, the characters, the narrator…. Just mostly everything. 
10. Save the Date by Morgan Matson: I haven’t really seen anyone that HASN’T liked this one. Most people have said this is their favorite Matson book, and I couldn’t agree more! This book is super cute, very realistic, and so funny. Morgan Matson is STILL the queen of realistic fiction to me! 
What about you?
What books have you read and loved so far in 2018?
Any of the same ones on my list make yours too?

8 thoughts on “TTT: Top 10 Best Books I’ve Read in 2018 So Far!

  1. Nikki I loved Save the date, will check out the other books in your list. I think my favourite so far is Save the date, Cruel Prince, Shadow of the fox and not a 2018 release but The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon.

  2. Ooh nice picks!! I still need to read The Wicked Deep!! Hopefully soon! As I want to see if it's spooky enough for my Halloween giveaway! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. I have not read Shadow of the Fox, but I do have it in my possession. I can't wait to get to it! And also, The Sun is Also a Star is AMAZING. I love Nicola Yoon and all her work!

    Thanks for stopping by Take me Away…

  4. I wouldn't say it's spooky…. More mysterious. However, I still say its amazing and should be given away so more people can get their hands on it!

  5. So glad to see Bruja on a bunch of TTT lists, because I really liked the first book. Glad to see there was not 2nd book slump. Garcia's contemporaries are fabulous. I am so glad she decided to write contemporary romances. The Wedding Date was great. I am really excited about The Proposal.

  6. I'm super excited about The Proposal as well! Berkley has some really great looking romances that are coming out this year! I really hope that you love Bruja, it was really great. Let me know when or if you get to it!

    Thanks for stopping by Take Me Away…

  7. Thank you! It really is a great book. But I've been a Morgan Matson fan girl since forever, so I'm not sure my opinion really counts lolol

    Thanks for stopping by Take Me Away…

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