READy to Talk: Following Along While Reading?

     READy to Talk is a new discussion meme that will come up few and far between, just when I have something bookish on my mind. Something that I want to get y’alls opinion on!

     This time my READy to Talk is for my readers out there. I’m almost positive if you read THIS blog, you probably read alot or you are looking for some book recs. Today I wanna know about one of your reading habits…. Following along. 
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     So, the other day I was sitting at my desk, reading while I was at work. A co-worker of mine said “As much as you read, you can’t read without following along?” At first I was confused as to what she was saying, but then I realized I was reading like this:     
     There are actually alot of reasons why I read line by line with my bookmark, but none of them are following along. (And even if it was, I had to tell her, there’s NOTHING wrong with that. At least I’d be reading SOMETHING!) The biggest reasons I follow along are:
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1.  I HATE spoilers and if I read without my bookmark I find myself catching a glance of something down the page and it spoils me sometimes. (I spoiled myself for the ending of Renegades by Marissa Meyer and was upset for WEEKS.) 
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2. Also because I am the absolute WORST with keeping up with bookmarks, so I follow along with them so I don’t lose them. (Yes I work at a place where we keep dozens of them, but HUSH
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3. AND, I read on my lunch break. Sometimes I have to stop reading for a quick second to find something else on my desk, or I might even read something I need to update on GoodReads really quickly. So I just leave the bookmark under the line I was at so I can go right back to it without having to search and find it. 

    So, here’s what I want to know from you all…..

Do you follow along with a bookmark or piece of paper or something? 
Why or why not?!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her