TTT: Top Bookstores/ Libraries I’ve Always Wanted to Visit!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Bookstores/ Libraries I’ve Always Wanted to Visit!

*Sorry its late -_- I got caught up watching The Greatest Showman last night with my husband… And then I fell down the rabbit hole of watching 478451612235489465 different versions of “This is Me.” lmao 

Strand Bookstore.jpg
1. The Strand in NYC: With all the signings and authors that come and go to this place, I’m sure this will be on everyone’s list. It looks like a really quaint place that booklovers can go to and find whatever they need for their “fix.” 
Image result for anderson's bookshop
2. Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL: I’ve been to Illinois one time, but I was in Chicago instead. Made me sad that I missed coming to this place. With all the signings and authors that go there, I’m sure to have seen someone. (In fact, the weekend I was there there was a signing. It was for BEA.) 
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3. New York Public Library: It is MY MISSION to get to New York and see the lions. I share my real name with one of them and I’m a librarian, so this MUST happen sometime. (+10 pts if you know their names and another +10 points if you know which one!) I really want to go while I’m able to have fun, so hopefully this decade I’ll be able to make it happen.

Image result for powell's books portland
4. Powell’s Books: My friend went once when she visited there and she said it was HUGE.I’ve never been to such a huge bookstore, except maybe when I was in Bookpeople in Austin but she said it was bigger than that!

5. Library of Congress: I saw pictures of the inside of the Library of Congress when I was a little girl and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. I really want to at least once take a walk through there. Fun Fact: At one point, I was saying I was going to be the librarian at the Library of Congress…. Back when I was in kindergarten. 

6. The Last Bookstore: Man look at the crazy cool things they have out there! This place is in California and is Cali’s largest used and new book and record store. It’s a really cool place and seems like it would be pretty awesome to even just look around at all they have. 
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7. Beast’s Library: Call me weird, but I want nothing more than to walk up and down those stairs and find out his sorting system and find out all the things about this super gorgeous library. It’s a really great animation and I’ve always wished that was my own home. 
Image result for beautiful home libraries
8. A Home Library: I’m not rich by any means, but this is what I want my home library to look like one day. Right now all my books are still on the floor and I have no shelves, but one day soon they’ll be up and ready to go. All that’s left is me getting a ladder………….
9. Flourish and Bott’s: Um let’s be honest, this is more what my house looks like now lmao I haven’t been able to put anything away in a long time. The piles on the floor are equalivalent to what I have all around my house. It’s pretty sad really lol 
Image result for haunted bookstore mary ann from babysitter's club
10. Mary Anne’s Haunted Bookstore: I have no idea who the culprit was because I read this so long ago, but I do remember loving it and loving being scared, so naturally, I really wanted to go there lol 
What about you? 
What bookstores and libraries would you want to visit? 
Did you include any fictional ones like me?!

One thought on “TTT: Top Bookstores/ Libraries I’ve Always Wanted to Visit!

  1. The Last Bookstore looks pretty cool. If we could go to fictional bookstores, I`d probably go to the one in Stars Hollow.

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her