Echoes Between Us by Katie McGarry

E-Audio, 12:34:27

Narrated by: Brittany Pressley & Graham Halstead

Release Date:  January 14, 2020
Published by:  Macmillan Audio
Read from: February 24-27, 2020
Companion to Only a Breath Apart
Source: Library 
TW:  Cancer, Loss of a Parent, Chronic Illness, Alcoholism, Addiction
For fans of: Contemporary, Romance, Realistic Fiction, Diverse MC, YA

     Echoes Between Us is bestselling author Katie McGarry’s breakout teen contemporary novel about a girl with everything to lose and the boy who will do anything to save her.
     Veronica sees ghosts. More specifically, her mother’s ghost. The afterimages of blinding migraines caused by the brain tumor that keeps her on the fringes and consumes her whole life haunt her, even as she wonders if it’s something more…
     Golden boy Sawyer is handsome and popular, a state champion swimmer, but his adrenaline addiction draws him to Veronica.
     A girl with nothing to live for and a boy with everything to lose–can they conquer their demons together?


     This felt so much like her old works (like Crash Into You). Two very different characters that fall for each other paired with an original theme…. A recipe for a Nikki book. And this one was definitely that. I fell for McGarry’s words all over again. 
     Veronica sees ghosts, one of them being her mother. And then there’s Sawyer, the handsome and popualr boy that everyone likes. But he has an addiction that he won’t tell anyone about. When the two meet, they have to use their secrets to work together. 
     I’ve been a fan of Katie McGarry since Pushing the Limits. One thing I’ve always loved about her books is the raw emotion that’s always in them. And this one was no different. I bit my nails to the quick from worrying about the characters in this. And on other pages I laughed or “Awwww” because of Sophie. This book took a toll on my emotions, but all good books will do that for you. 
     I LOVE books that have surprises. And this one had a few. I ended up listening to the audio of this one because I didn’t have to wait for it. And as soon as I started listening, I was glad I went that route. It was narrated by one of my favorite narrators, Brittany Pressley. I knew then that it would be a great listen. Another surprise was the fact that this is a companion to Only a Breath Apart. I liked that one okay, but it seemed more weird to me than anything. This was more intense and emotional and believable. 
     Katie McGarry is still one of my favorite contemporary romance authors. She always has great ideas along with awesome characters. And this one took me back to her first few novels. Definitely reminded me of all the things I love about her and her stories. 
Overall, I give this

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