Book to Movie Review: Captain Marvel

PG-13, 2 hr. 4 min. 
Release Date: March 8, 2019

Carol Danvers becomes one of the universe’s most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races. (From IMDb)


     I have been waiting on pins and needles for this movie ever since I saw the emblem at the end of the Avengers movie! And I can definitely say IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT. I did think some things could have been better, but for the most part, this movie was really freaking good.
   For an origin story, this was really good. The difference with Captain Marvel and her origin story in the movie was she begins the movie with her powers. I wasn’t sure if that’s how it was in the comics (I haven’t read hers yet, my hold hasn’t come in at the library lol) but I thought that was an interesting way to start the movie. The actual way she gets her powers isn’t revealed until the middle of the movie. 
     I also really liked the storyline and script. There were so many Easter eggs from other Marvel movies and other characters! Me and my husband had so much fun pointing them out and discussing them in the theater. And the storyline was awesome! Both me and the hubs were surprised when the plot twist happened. My hubs can normally spot something about to happen in a movie the way I can with a book. But he couldn’t even see what was coming until it happened. 
     As for the action, I thought it could have had a bit more in the beginning, but I realized that it was an origin story and this was more to explain her story. And as the story goes on, I saw that my assumption was completely right. But because of that, I found myself just a tad bit bored. But once it reached the middle, I was all into it.
     The acting was the best part! I LOVED all the characters! Everyone played their parts so well. And it was pretty awesome that they gave us someone else’s origin story too. I had never questioned what happened to a certain person, but I realized I should have. I thought I knew, but I can not confirm or deny if I was right or not. lol And of course, I cried when I saw Stan Lee. It’s not his last cameo, but it is the first one I’ve seen since he passed. So sad 🙁    [Yes I know he was in Spiderverse, but he was also animated, so it could’ve been done anytime lol]
     Last but not least, if you haven’t seen it already, there are 2 end credit scenes. Both are legit and you should definitely stay behind and  check them out. But as for the previews, I did have one question, I saw one for Far From Home. A certain someone that something happening to in the last Avengers movie was there as well, but then he has another movie coming out this year. So my question is………. Is this set after that event? Or did Marvel really not think this through and give us a clue to Endgame?  Tell me what you think in the comments!
Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her