ARC, 288 pages
Release Date: January 16, 2024
Published by: Page Street Books
Read from: January 1-30, 2024
Source: Publisher (I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Fatphobia, Blood, Racism, Classism, Medical Content (Peanut Allergy Reaction)
For Readers Interested In: Romance, Ethnic/Racial Diversity, Anthologies, YADesi Wedding Must-Haves: Drama. Food. Fashion. More Drama. More food. And, of course, nosy aunties and uncles
A family curse that turns spoken prophecy into truth.
A world where your soulmate’s feelings appear as words on your skin.
A boy who has to decide whether or not to attend his brother’s wedding even though their parents have forbidden it.
A girl who encounters the boy she loved and lost and realizes where her heart truly lies.
These genre-bending stories focus on the magic (and tension) of the biggest family gathering. Both award-winning and debut authors share stories of broken hearts, rekindled flames, unlikely romances, and one particular auntie who loves to meddle.
From jewel-toned kurtas, music and dancing, to the aromas of cardamom and sugar, one thing is for certain: It’s going to be an incredible season.
Just like with so many other anthologies this was sometimes a joy to read and sometimes a chore. I don’t think I’ve ever read an anthology where I liked every story. But for the most part, this one was a joy. I really hope y’all pick this up!
Just like with all other anthologies there’s some stories I loved and some I didn’t. Like the one with the words meaning things, and the one where the brother has to decide if he should attend his brother’s wedding both had me all in my feels. Those were the ones that stood out the most to me and they’re at the beginning so they are the ones that will suck you in. But you won’t be mad about it, trust me.
But of course, there were some that made me grimace as I read them. Like the one with the allergy. I wish there was a Content Warning. As someone with a peanut allergy my anxiety immediately sky-rocketed. My heart started hammering and I was hella worried about them. The other one with the wolf or vampire or whatever it was, that was weird af. I didn’t actually care for the one with the words on the people either. I think because it was it didn’t exactly transfer to a short story. I didn’t understand why these words were there and why it was happening. It was weird to me.
This was so much fun. Diverse weddings? I had to read it. And I’m glad I did. Anthologies are a hit or a miss for me, and this one is a go. This one is going to go places!
Overall, I give this