TTT: Outrageous/Crazy Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Outrageous/Crazy Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books! 

1. Had gelato for dinner
When EoS came out I told my hubs to order in and I ate gelato for dinner because I couldn’t stop reading lol 
2. Tricked my mom into thinking I was trying a new recipe!

lol I was reading Truthwitch and I couldn’t stop so I started cooking at the same time I Facetimed my mom. She thought I was trying a new recipe lmao 
3. Cried when I got a book I really wanted

No explanation needed. 
4. Stood in line for over an hour for something I REALLLLLYYYYYY wanted

I was in line for over 2 hours for Escaping from Houdini, On the Come Up, and Heartless. And I don’t regret A SINGLE THING.
5. Did something that reminded me of the book (Like a recipe) 

I made these lemon tarts for Thanksgiving and my family LOVED them. I’ve made other bookish desserts since then too, like Wintersong’s Peach Cobbler in a Crockpot!
6. Did a midnight release for a book

I think the only midnight releases I’ve ever done for a book was Harry Potter. Instagram wasn’t cool back then, so I don’t have the proof, but when the 4th one came out, my picture was taken at Hasting’s and I was the first person in Galveston to buy it from their store. I’ve since then continued my tradition of midnight releases all the way until Cursed Child lol 
7. Borrowed thousands of dollars to get my degree to work with books

Yeahhhh I love my job, but STILL lol 
8. Traveled for hours by plane or car to get to a bookish conference

I went to Chicago for BEA in 2016 by myself. I’d never been on a plane (I was FREAKED. OUT.) I had never been past the terminal, and I was so anxious. But I made it and I have memories to last a lifetime because of it
9. I find reading/bookish things ANYWHERE 

I went on a cruise and went to Harry Potter Trivia night!
………and won it. I won a ship on a stick lmao
10. I read at very unconventional places……. like the bar and when I take myself out to dinner lmao 
I was out to dinner by myself one day and I wanted a margarita too 
Other things not pictured:

-I had my favorite love quotes from YA books as my centerpieces/table numbers.
-I have a piece of poetry tattooed on my left side and a quote about having a great imagination tattooed on my under boob.

What about you?
Have you done any of these things? 

One thought on “TTT: Outrageous/Crazy Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books!

  1. OOh nice! I don't even blink an eye anymore at waiting hours in line for a book…be it ARC or otherwise! Lol! I think 1, 2 hours? Nothing! Lol. And traveling for book events too! If it's under 10 hours I don't even blink an eye anymore! I miss our Chicago trip, wish BEA would go back there…sigh…

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her