Movie Review: The Little Mermaid


Movie , 2 hr 15 min
Release Date: May 26, 2023
    A young mermaid makes a deal with a sea witch to trade her beautiful voice for human legs so she can discover the world above water and impress a prince. (From IMDb)


I didn’t know how much I needed to see this until I told my husband, “I’m going to see The Little Mermaid. You stay here with the baby.” I told them they had to fend for themselves for dinner because I wasn’t missing opening weekend of this. I NEEDED this.

Ok so first things first, the music. I LOVED it. Well, most of it. All the Halle Bailey songs ATE. And the new one is stuck in my head. It’s the one I keep replaying in my head over and over. My next favorite is of course Part of Your World. That was the first time I cried. And I’m not talking teary eyed, I mean tears were rolling down my face. My third favorite was Under the Sea OFC. And lastly, I also really liked Prince Eric’s song. Y’all I went into this movie without looking at anything or anyone up beforehand. I knew that I’d see it anyway. So when I realized that Prince Eric could not only sing, but SANG, I was even more into it. I was not expecting that lol Kiss the Girls was also good, but the awkward Scuttle squawks was weird and took some of it out for me. It just felt out of place. (Not when she was “Warming up,” I meant throughout the song) Buttttt, they weren’t all great. I was not impressed with Poor Unfortunate Souls. I knew I would criticize it pretty hard because it is in my top 3 Disney villain songs (Be Prepared and Cruella De Vil FTW) so this may just be a me thing. But I just didn’t like it. It felt hella dry. I even came back and watched the animated version again to see if I could make sense of it, but I came to the same conclusion.

I was sad about Poor Unfortunate Souls tho because I actually was a huge fan of Melissa McCarthy as Ursula. The only thing I didn’t like was they made her pretty lol She’s a sea WITCH! But I let it go. She was ok because otherwise I thought she did a bang up job of being Ursula. I would have given her a 5/5 if she had done the song right. Everyone else was perfect too. The acting in this was just superb! I mean even the people who were tasked with giving her a bath and the person who played Vanessa for that short time did really well. I loved this so much.

My inner child was definitely healed watching this. I had every emotion while I watched. I cried in two places, during Part of Your World and at the end. I swooned when she saved Eric. And I got scared with Scuttle when they learned of who Vanessa really was. I know that I really enjoyed it because I felt all of this like I had never seen it before; like I didn’t know what was going to happen. It was truly a new, but comforting experience. And I can’t wait to hopefully experience it more when I go to Disney World in July. I really hope she’s still there. I NEED her to be there.

The CGI wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be. Now I’m not saying it was good, but it wasn’t as bad as I was thinking. I did think it seemed like they ran out of money for it toward the end when Ursula got bigger and was making a mess of everything. There was a point where Halle doesn’t even look like herself and they didn’t even want to zoom in on Ursula’s face because I know they were worried about her looking so weird lol It just wasn’t really super great to me.

This movie was everything I needed. For those out there that are saying bad things about it, if you didn’t like it, you don’t like anything. It was legit and it was good and there were hardly any changes. The changes that were there didn’t make anything huge change in the story, so it’s just the same story that we saw in 1989, just more modernized and with more “color.” 😉

Overall, I give this

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her