TTT: This week’s topic is: Authors Who Have a Fun Social Media Presence!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Authors Who Have a Fun Social Media Presence! 

Image result for julie murphyImage result for dahlia adler
1. Julie Murphy: If you don’t follow Julie Murphy on Insta, what are you even doing with your life? She’s one of the coolest, realest authors on there! And her and her husband are HILARIOUS! And also, I like finding out about the next books she has coming out lolol 
2. Dahlia Adler: Follow her on Twitter and look for her articles on Buzzfeed. She’s amazing and has the BEST book reccs EVER. 
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3. Morgan Matson: Her Insta is mostly her dog, her other author friends, and Starbucks, but that’s what makes it super entertaining. I LOVE seeing that she’s posted something new to her thread .
4. Nic Stone: Her Instagram page is amazing. I love seeing all the posts from where she’s traveling, schools she visits, and stuff about her hair and make-up! She’s beautiful and I love seeing anything on my feed from her. 
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5. Angie Thomas: Man listen, she STAYS talking truth on Twitter. Make sure you go follow her and see what I mean!
6. Emery Lord: Her Twitter is also amazeballs. I love anything by her. 
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7. Zoriada Cordova: I like her Instagram. She is so funny and I like looking at her books that she posts as well. Because, well, DUH.  lol
8. Kwame Mbalia: I love looking at his Twitter. He’s so funny and always smiling. Definitely makes for a good social media presence. 
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9. Danika Stone: I love her social media presence because she’s so down to Earth on it. She’s liked something I’ve posted before and I find it really cool when authors can take time out of their day to actually interact directly with their fans. 
10. Justina Ireland: I haven’t seen her online activity in a while, but when she does post, its filled with truth and information.

What about you?
Did any of these authors make your list?
Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “TTT: This week’s topic is: Authors Who Have a Fun Social Media Presence!

  1. OOh nice picks! I've seen a few of these authors tweets in the twitter-sphere! Lol.

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