WoW: Swarm by Jennifer D. Lyle

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what we’re waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) for! It’s hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine!

Sixteen year-old Shur is one of the first to see the creatures. While staring out the window in history class, she spots one floating over the soccer field. It looks like a monarch butterfly—but it’s huge. Within minutes, her classmates’ phones are buzzing with emergency alerts. These things are everywhere, and though nobody’s exactly sure why the alerts are telling them to take cover, Shur knows it can’t be good. It’s only when she’s left school and headed home that she what the creatures do: they attack.

By the time Shur, her two brothers, and their two best friends make it back to her house, it’s clear the five of them must survive whatever comes next on their own.

As the “butterflies”—new hybrid creatures thought to be created by climate change—multiply and swarm outside, anxiety-prone Shur focuses on what she can control: boarding up windows, stocking food, and preparing a shelter in the basement. They lose internet and power while vigilantes create terror outside. Meanwhile the creatures begin to fulfill their ultimate purpose: multiplying via parasitic load, and before long, the butterflies aren’t the only thing trying to get in. To protect her family and survive the invasions, Shur must find the strength to protect their sanctuary at any cost.

Published by: Sourcebooks Fire
Expected Publication: November 7, 2023

Why I’m Waiting: Giant butterflies? But make them deadly? YES PLEASE. This has got to be the weirdest thing I’lll read this year, and I’m here for it! Even my scary mom who doesn’t like horror or any vampires that don’t sparkle was like “Oh you’ll have to tell me about that one! I want to read it too!” But anyway, this sounds amazing and I REALLY need to get my hands on a copy! I have a new found love for cli fi and I really hope there is more to come of it in YA!

What about you? Do you like cli fi? Do you think this sounds good? Are you a tiny bit scared of butterflies now like me? Let me know in the comments!

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