Snow King Catches His Snowflake by A.E. Valdez

e-ARC, Kindle edition
Release Date: December 16, 2022
Published by: Indie publishing
Read from: December 11-16, 2022
Three Kings, #1
Source: Author (I received an e-ARC of this book from the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Death of a fiancee’, Loss of a parent
For Readers Interested In: Contemporary Romance, Realistic Fiction, Holidaze, Spice Level 4, Adult

    After being in a relationship for three years, Noelle Frost is faced with the reality that she was definitely the better half. Her friends, ecstatic she’s dropped the dead weight of a cheating boyfriend, urge her to get away for the holiday and take some time for herself.
     Not sure if that’ll fix anything but willing to try, she books a last minute trip to the world-renowned Mistletoe Mountain Resort. Noelle boards the plane with the promise of peace and relaxation on the horizon.

     Snow King is stuck in a rut, believing himself undeserving of joy and pleasure after suffering more than one devastating loss — one he still shoulders the blame for. Even with supportive family and friends, he still prefers solitude.

     Every year, instead of trudging through the painful memories Christmas brings, he takes a solo trip to escape the holiday cheer. Typically that’s anywhere that doesn’t remind him of the season. But this year, his well-meaning assistant books him a trip to the North Pole reincarnate.

     An overbooking incident, one dis-robed guest, and a nasty run-in with pepper spray tell the Christmas story in a way you won’t believe.


When I saw that A.E. Valdez was looking for someone to review her Christmas novel, I almost broke my neck running to request. As y’all know I’ve had someone in my family in the hospital and I’ve been wanting nothing but holiday romances to help me escape. And this one did just that!

Ok so first let’s talk setting. When I tell you I live in Texas where we’ve still got like 70 degree weather, and even I felt like I was on Mistletoe Mountain. I have barely played in snow, but I felt like I could tell you everything about it after reading this. There were Christmas trees, freezing weather, homemade hot chocolate and more! Idk, it just gave me this really cozy vibe, like she had transported me to this snow-covered treasure all while I was just sitting on my couch in the barely there cold lol

The characters were the next best part of this. I really connected to Noelle. She basically was just wanted to be happy. And if it wasn’t making her that way, it wasn’t for her. And listen, life is too short. So I fully support that 100%. I also fully resonated with her annoyingness lmao My husband calls me annoying all the time. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Snow was just, a Grinch. But he had reason to be. What he went through was terrible, but the fact that he was still standing and doing all that he does to run a company that brings joy to everyone else?! I was so impressed by him.

Ok so the romance they shares is what brought everyone here right? So of course Valdez delivered on that front. Not only was the spice hitting, but so was the romance itself. That damn Snow made even my heart melt with them some of things he did for her. And y’all know I love a good meet cute. And this one will go down as one of my faves. I don’t think I’ve ever read one that involved pepper spray lol But this was so cute. I loved the two of them together. The only reason I didn’t give this 5 stars was the repetitiveness in the smex scenes. In almost every one there was throat holding and he was “taking the reins” if you know what I mean. I just wish there was a bit more variety. Now that extra mirror scene……… Valdez did you write that for me? I’m just gonna go ahead and think that one part was for me lol (If it wasn’t don’t tell me) And that Snowblowing scene? YASSSS! I remember blushing and my husband asking me “What’s the matter” lol

I’m so grateful that A.E. Valdez let me read an early copy of this! I wish that I had been in some better weather to be fully immersed, but the way this book had me in a chokehold, I was ok with being stuck where I was. With the introduction to this series, I now will not be ok until I see what happens with Aspen and Eve and their “people” because we saw what was happening. Or at least I did. I wonder if things will still stay the same. Or if she’ll throw a wrench in the plans like she did at the end of this one. I wish I had more of this for this Christmas, but I haven’t heard anything else yet! We shall see! (Also, see my Tiktok later today and tell me if I captured the winter feel of this!

Overall, I give this

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