TTT: FREEBIE- Top…16 Favorite Covers of the First Half of 2023!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Favorite Covers of the First Half of 2023

I chose this topic because I’ve been reading a lot about color psychology and how it’s used in marketing and it made me wonder if it was ever used on book covers. But seeing the art styles and all the beautiful creativity, I don’t think it can be. It just seems too pretty to have an underlying meaning lol (Well to me anyway!) And please remember, this is only a fraction of them! It’s basically just from my TBR. I’m not a huge fantasy girlie, but there’s some covers there that I also liked!

-I’m Not Supposed to be in the Dark by Riss M. Neilson: Just look at her!
-Sun Keep Rising by Kristen R. Lee: It’s the baby ok lol Shut up
-Forever is Now by Mariama J. Lockington: Idk, these colors just do it for me! I LOVE the way this all came together!
-Going Bicoastal by Dahlia Adler: Listennnnnn whoever did this deserves a pat on the back! lol I love the way it shows both sides of her (and both are still feminine! ANDDDDDDD let’s not ignore that it’s the colors of the bi flag and it comes out in June!
-She is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran: I have no idea what this book is about, but have I already loaded it to my Kindle? Have I already placed it in a cart to be ordered for work? Yes and Yes. lol I love this cover so much! I can’t wait to read it!

-As Long as We’re Together by Brianna Peppins: I love that all of them look authentic! They all have textured hair and all! I love it!
-Fake Dates and Mooncakes by Sher Lee: Again, I have no idea what this is about, but the colors and the corgi got me. I don’t care what it’s about, I’m going to read it tho lolol
-The Dos and Donuts of Love by Adiba Jaigirdar: I just love the pun in the title lol And it’s foodie fiction AND she’s not a stick figure! I LOVEEEEEE IT!
-Blood Debts by Terry J. Benton -Walker: Idk what it is about this cover, but I LOVE it! The skull he’s holding, the moon behind them, just everything!

-The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi: LOVE the flowers in her hair and the look over her shoulder. Idk, just something about it!
-Ander and Santi Were Here by Jonny Garza Villa: They look young and in love and I love it! Also this art style is just *chef’s kiss*!
-Friday I’m in Love by Camryn Garrett: THE COLORS! THE LOOK ON HER FACE! I didn’t even know what this wass about before I added it to my TBR. I still don’t know, but I’m hella excited for it.
-The Black Queen by Jumata Emill: Literally my most anticipated read of 2023 and solely because of the cover lol Everything about it is wonderful and I can’t wait to have my finished copy in my hands!
-My Dear Henry by Kalynn Bayron: Listen, y’all know I’m a fiend for re-written classics, and this one is no different. Well it kind of is…. Because I NEED it now based on just the cover. I have been waiting on this since it was announced what it was and who it was being written by. And then the cover dropped and I immediately pre-ordered it lol

-Sing Me to Sleep by Gabi Burton: Do I need to say ANYTHING? This cover is gorgeous and if you can’t see that, I can’t help you.

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