Book Blogger Hop: Going in Blind!

Have you ever skipped ahead to read the ending?

Hell no! I don’t even like reading the synopsis of books where they tell too much, so I definitely am not about to read the ending before I read the rest of it. I’m part of the “go in blind” crew. I don’t want to know anything besides the basic main themes, the tropes, and whether or not the characters have some type of marginalized voice. Hell I don’t even like reading excerpts for books that might come at the end of a book lol

What about you? Do you look at the ends of books? Do you like spoilers, excerpts, or anything like that? Let me know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Book Blogger Hop: Going in Blind!

  1. Oh man, I at least always read the synopsis to determine if I will like it! Lol. But yeah, I never skip ahead to read any spoilery parts. I too stopped reading the “exclusive sneak peeks” that sometimes fall in the back of the books for the same reason! I don’t want to get hooked onto a story that I have to wait a year for! Or if I’ve terrible luck, waiting endlessly for because the publisher canceled the series. *shudders* *never again*

    Here’s my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    1. LMAO I read the synopsis, but only like bits and pieces here and there. I don’t like just blindly reading them because I’ve run into too many instances where I had to DNF because the book was literally just what the synopsis said and by reading it I spoiled myself. If that makes sense

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