TTT: Top 10 Bookish Wishes

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Bookish Wishes

  1. An ARC of Zyla and Kai. If you have one pleaseeeeeeeeeee I need it to complete my Kristina Forest collection. Also this is one of my fave books of the year and I need it!
  2. One of those bookish lamps that look like an open book: Ok listen, I don’t NEED it, but I really want one. And I can’t justify the cost when I can be buying something else. Like a new book……. (Yes they’re only $20 on Amazon right now, but I only allow myself so much for my book addiction and I don’t want to dip into it for a lamp and I hardly even read physical books anymore lol)
  3. A copy of This Golden State by Marit Weisenberg: I didn’t know anything about this book when I first added it to my TBR. I wasn’t even impressed by the cover. I added it because I was in the “DNA in YA” phase and this kept coming up. And as it turns out, after I read it, this book has lived in my head rent free since I finished it.
  4. Gleanings by Neal Shusterman: I have no idea why, but I am OBSESSED with this series. I LOVED it and I can’t wait to see what this one is all about. Even if it is only short stories.
  5. Promposal by RaeChell Garrett: I said a million years ago I wanted to read a book about Promposals. They didn’t become a thing until I was out of school, but I always think the videos are so cute! And then this book surfaced and the MC is Black and the author is Black and LITTLE BROWN/POPPY, I’M THE PERFECT PERSON TO HELP READ AND REVIEW THIS OK!
  6. The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson: Listen, I have been BEGGING for an ARC of this. I requested it and got no answer, so I’m assuming I’ve been denied. So I’m putting this out in the ether, if you have this and for whatever reason would like to gift it to someone, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee think of me! It’s my most anticipated of the yearrrrrr!
  7. My Dearest Henry by Kalynn Bayron: I swear Bayron gets the BEST covers. And although this one is beautiful, that’s not the only reason I want this. It’s a retelling of a classic, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, one of my faves. Can’t wait to get my hands on this one!
  8. The Plus One by Mazey Eddings: FAKE DATING TO A WEDDING! Y’all know this is my jam! Fake Dating and weddings just do it for me for some reason, so when I saw that Eddings had this coming out, I immediately added it to my TBR. I can’t wait for this one! Now if only I could speed up time to 2023……..
  9. The Davenports by Krystal Marquis: One reason I don’t read historical fiction is because it’s usually set during a time period where there’s nothing but trauma for Black people. It doesn’t always come up, but just knowing that the time period would allow it, yeah no thanks. But I’ve been branching out to historical fiction that has Black people as the main characters and I can stomach it a bit better. Most times Black people won’t add in Black trauma into their books. And if they do, I can skip it if I have to. But this one doesn’t look bad and it’s YA, so it can’t be too trauma filled.
  10. A Very Merry Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams: This releases a day before my birthday…. If I can get an early Christmas/birthday present and this ends up on my front porch, I won’t even be mad Berkley………………………………..

What about you? Did you want any of these? Let me know in the comments!

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