Are you more likely to choose to read a book based on the synopsis or the cover?
This is hard for me because I use both. But I use cover more than the synopsis so I guess I’ll go with that one. For example, I usually find out about books from their Rights Report. And then I keep an eye out for them later on. What interests me in the Rights Reports are usually like key words that might stand out. By the time they get a cover, they might have a synopsis, but I never read the whole thing because I don’t want any spoilers. But by the time the cover comes in to play for me, it’s usually when I’m deciding if I still want to read it or if I want to go ahead and DNF it.
What about you? Do you use both? Let me know in the comments!
It’s a bit of both for me as well. The cover will get me to pick the book up and read the dust jacket synopsis or whatnot and that will determine if I’m heading to the cash register or not! Of course that’s how it worked back in my Borders days! Lol. These days I’m reading about them on Goodreads prior to going to the bookstore!
Here’s my BBH
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂