TTT: Favorite Places to Read!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Favorite Places to Read!

  1. My Library: I can’t right now because it’s under construction, but it is definitely something I look forward to doing again when I can.
  2. My bed: I used to read in bed all the time. But lately I’ve just been sleeping on the couch. Life with an infant.

3. At work: I LOVE being able to say I have to do some professional reading. Granted it only counts for like every blue moon, but its cool that sometimes I get away with it lol
4. My Couch: That’s where I’ve been reading lately. That is if I don’t immediately fall asleep

5. Anywhere inside during a rainstorm: I love reading while it rains. I stopped liking it for a while after Hurricane Harvey, but now the trauma isn’t holding on to me so tightly anymore.
6. In lines: No matter what line it is lol Thank God for Kindle apps on my phone lol

7. Anywhere that my fur babies are: They are the BEST cuddlers lol
8. At the table: I have a really bad habit of reading while I eat. I say bad because I always get food on my book somehow lol

9. While traveling: I’m the only person I know that can read while riding in the car. I’ve heard it makes people car sick. Thank goodness I’ve never had that problem. I also like to read while flying. That is if I can stay up long enough to do so.
10. In front of the tv: I have a really bad habit of turning on the tv to use as background noise and not pay it any attention. You know, wasting energy and stuff lol

What about you? Do you like reading in your version of these places? Do you have any other favorite places? Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “TTT: Favorite Places to Read!

  1. Ooh nice ones! I forgot about while traveling…mostly because 99% of my traveling is me driving myself to wherever and I can’t read and drive at the same time sadly. Lol. Never been an audiobook person either, so those don’t help me. I can read for awhile in the car myself, but need a break every now and then because of some carsickness. Of course last time it didn’t help that I was on the brink of a summer cold, so who knows how long I could’ve read then!

    Here’s my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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