That Weekend by Kara Thomas

e-Audio, 10:28:49
Narrated by: Phoebe Strole & Kristen Sieh
Release Date: June 29, 2021
Published by: Books on Tape
Read from: July 16-19, 2021
Source: Overdrive Audio
For Readers Interested In: Contemporary, Thrillers, Realistic Fiction, Family Diversity, Mysteries, YA

     It was supposed to be the perfect prom weekend getaway. But it’s clear something terrible happened when Claire wakes up alone and bloodied on a hiking trail with no memory of the past forty-eight hours.
Now everyone wants answers—most of all, Claire. She remembers Friday night, but after that . . . nothing. And now Kat and Jesse—her best friends—are missing.
     What happened on the mountain? And where are Kat and Jesse? Claire knows the answers are buried somewhere in her memory. But as she’s learning, everyone has secrets—even her best friends. And she’s pretty sure she’s not going to like what she remembers.


When I saw a new Kara Thomas was coming out, I didn’t even waste my time acting like I cared about the premise lol I added it to my TBR without a second thought. After reading The Cheerleaders by her, I don’t think I’ll ever care again what her book is ABOUT, just that I need to read it. She is definitely one of the few thriller authors who have become auto-buys for me.

This was not the prom weekend that Claire had in mind. What happened instead was a terrible accident that leaves her best friends Kat and Jesse missing. The whole event is buried somewhere in Claire’s memory. She’s going to do everything in her power to make sure she remembers the truth about what happened.

This wasn’t my favorite of her thrillers. For some reason it just felt like it was missing some of the twisty turns? In her others it seemed like there were so many, but this one hardly had any. Don’t get me wrong, it was still very good, but it just didn’t seem as plot heavy as the others? With a thriller, idk, I would think you would need that? If any of that made any sense. I don’t feel like I’m explaining that very well lol

In true Thomas fashion tho she delivered with the ending. It came earlier than her traditional last line, but it didn’t take anything away from the wtfuckery lol Of all the things for her to choose, I didn’t think that would be one of them. But even with all the wtf, there wasn’t really anything super sinister like with her other books. This one was pretty mild compared to the others.

The best thing about this book was Claire and the other characters. One of my pet peeves about thrillers is usually how the author chooses to make the narrator unreliable. If they are unreliable because they’ve been doing drugs or they’ve been drinking, it’s an automatic no from me. I will DNF it in a heartbeat (Looking at you Girl on a Train, Woman in Cabin 10, etc) and not care at all. But Claire wasn’t like that and for that I was grateful. She’s unreliable all on her own and makes readers want to know what happened to her.

At this point I’ll read Kara Thomas’ books, short stories if she had them, and even her grocery list. She’s definitely made it to my favorite YA thriller writers of all time. I hope she has many more stories on her heart to tell us. I can’t wait to read them all!

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her