TTT: Books I Loved that Made me Want More Books Like Them!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Books I Loved that Made me Want More Books Like Them!

-I remember reading Twilight in college and then wanting every paranormal romance I could get my hands on. I picked up Hush, Hush and Beautiful Creatures.

-Harry Potter was part of most people’s craze back in the day. I remember wanting to read anything with magic after that, but I never found anything like it back then.

-Percy Jackson and Rick Riordan are my jam. My reviews for this series are shit, but I loved them. I remember trying to read EVERYTHING by Riordan after finishing this series.

-I read the Perfect Chemistry series back in the day. First contemp romances in a realistic world that I really loved. I remember looking for more after that when before all I wanted was romances that had some type of paranormal aspect.

-I had never read a time travel book before, but when I read Time Between Us I wanted to read them all. Unfortunately, Time Between Us is like one of the only time travel books I like lol Too much science involved

-The Hunger Games was an intro to dystopians for many people, including me. I remember going to the library and asking for other reccs and I walked out with Divergent.

-I’d read more re-tellings than this, but none that were as creative as Cinder imho. I remember looking fir more creative/out there kinds of re-tellings after that

-Second Chance Summer came out way before I started blogging. I read it just because it was a Morgan Matson book. And all I remember is bawling my eyes out and then wanting more books that would make me sob.

-I’m not a huge fan of anthologies because I don’t know how to rate them and it’s really hard to review them. Especially knowing that you won’t like all the stories from the beginning. (There’s always a few of them)

-Wait For You opened up the world of New Adult for me. I remember reading all of JLA’s adult/new adult series and then re-reading them. Definitely made me want more like them!

What about you? Have you read any of these? Did you have any of these reactions? Let me know in the comments.

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