I’ve Been Gone, But…..

I’m so sorry I haven’t been around! It wasn’t my fault. We had a snow storm (yes here in Texas) that was devastating. Me personally and my house, we had a loss of power for 35 straight hours and then they did rolling outages for another 24 hours. And then they finally came on and stayed. We also experienced some time without water, but we were really lucky. I had filled up the tub late Monday night because I was scared there was a possibility we might need it. It was only out for a few minutes, but then we had some time where the water pressure was up, down, off, and then the cycle repeated. it was so weird. And the whole time, my phone signal was shot. This sounds like it was manageable, but while 7 months pregnant, this has been TORTURE. But looking at those who have passed away, or who had pipes burst in their homes, or lost everything for way longer than I did, I can only think that we got extremely lucky.

I said all that to say, please be mindful of how you talk about us here in Texas. This was a terrible situation. We are not equipped for something like this in Texas. So seeing people openly mocking us for not having what we needed when it was the government’s fault and some of us (like me) didn’t vote for these people (read idiots) it kinda made me not want to blog anything in the time I had power. For the most part, people were nice about it and checked on me, but there were still some that were just plain gross about it. People are dying. There’s kids and elders here too. Just please stop.

As of today I was finally able to log in and actually get some work done since we’ve had power for a full 24 hours. We have one more hard freeze tonight, but I’m hoping the worst of this is behind us. So, I will be back to posting regularly. Thanks for bearing with me as I went through this time. I didn’t just disappear lol

4 thoughts on “I’ve Been Gone, But…..

  1. We’ve been hearing overwhelming sad stories from Texas up here in Canada, and we feel for all of you. Because while we’re built for that kind of water, we can’t say the same for Texas and other Southern States that were affected.

    I hope you’re all keeping warm.

    1. We are slowly getting back to normal (where I am) and we will be back in the 70’s tomorrow. It was pretty scary for a while because as you said, we’re not made for that kind of weather, but we are definitely thankful we made it out f the woods

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy