Page to Screen: Wonder Woman 1984


Movie, 2 h 31 m
Release Date: December 25, 2020
    Rewind to the 1980s as Wonder Woman’s next big screen adventure finds her facing two all-new foes: Max Lord and The Cheetah.  (From IMDb)


I’m like one of the biggest Wonder Woman fans I know. I say this because it’s true. You can ask anyone. So when I knew there was another one coming out, I was SO HAPPY, but then the reviews started coming in and I was scared to even watch it. As it turns out, I didn’t have to be scared at all.

I don’t have HBO Max and with the world in its current situation, I wasn’t ready to go to the movies yet, so I begged my mommy to let me use her account. And she let me. I was so excited because I HAD to watch Wonder Woman. My friends who had already watched it were so critical and had so much to say, so I had to see for myself. And I’m glad I didn’t let them scare me away. Wonder Woman 1984 is like your classic 80’s movie. The fashion and even all the troupes were 80’s style. And I guess if you’ve never enjoyed a movie from the 80’s, you wouldn’t have enjoyed this. But that’s just my opinion.

They also had so much to say about the plot. Many people say it didn’t make sense, but I thought it did. It wasn’t that hard to follow. They were saying that it was hard to follow, but I don’t think so. I think if they weren’t actively watching and were doing other things, then they may have missed something. But for the most part I thought it was ok.

Then they complained about the villains. But I’m convinced by this point they didn’t read the comics or watch the cartoons when they were younger. Max Lord is from Justice League and Cheetah is one of Wonder Woman’s archenemies. She has been since the comics and was in the cartoons and all. So, if you’ve followed those or even seen the cartoons, you know who she is. I thought they were pretty close to their characters.

The only thing I was not happy about at all was the graphics. I’m not sure if they wanted to make it seem like the graphics were from the 80’s too or what, but they were terrible. That one scene where she’s running down Washington D.C.’s streets, she looks like a damn Barbie Doll. I was disappointed that we had to wait 3 damn years for them to make her look like a running Barbie. It was ridiculous. There’s many other instances, but that’s just the one that stood out to me.

There could have been a bit more action, but I thought for the way the plot was, with the artifacts, and trying to figure the thing out, I thought it was ok. There was fighting when it needed to be. They didn’t even know what they were dealing with. I just thought they had to figure it out first. There was no way they could go in blind. But that’s just my 2 cents.

The acting of course was incredible. I still love Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Chris Pine as Steve. It makes me sad that this may be the last we see of him. But Idk…. Maybe he’ll make some kind of appearance in the next one. We’ll just have to wait and see.

This was not at all as bad as all my friends made it out to be. I may be slightly biased, but I also think they are misinformed. But ehh, can’t win them all. Hopefully they’ll like Wonder Woman 3 better. As for me, I’m ready to watch 1984 again until I can watch 3. Lastly, don’t forget to watch the end credits scene. Super cute cameo which is making me wonder if that’s what WW3 will be about…. One can only hope!

Overall, I give this

What about you? Have you watched yet? What did you think? Am I slightly biased? lol Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “Page to Screen: Wonder Woman 1984

  1. I’m one of those who really didn’t like this movie, haha. I haven’t read the WW series but I did a group watch with three folks who did and I think we all agreed that we’re tired of the multiple villain arcs per story line. My (and another friend’s) biggest gripes about the villain was that Max Lord’s wish should have turned him into stone.

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her