Top 10 FREEBIE! Books that Fit This Year’s Summer Reading Program!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 FREEBIE! Books that Fit This Year’s Summer Reading Program!

I realized just now that I never did a Book list for this year’s SRP theme (the one I made last year was LIT) so I guess I’ll use this as that list!

This year’s topic for the Summer Reading Program across most of the US was “A Universe of Stories” to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing! Throughout the summer I chose some sci fi and some aliens and really anything set in space to go with the theme! Here are the ones I got the most feedback about! 

When the Sky Fell on SplendorAurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle, #1)
Once & Future (Once & Future, #1)Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)Sky Without Stars (System Divine, #1)
Skyward (Skyward, #1)The Darkest Star (Origin, #1)
The DisastersIgnite the Stars (Ignite the Stars, #1)

Have you read any of these? 
I haven’t, but I want to read the ones I’ve missed!
Which ones should I start with?
Let me know in the comments! 

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her