Book Blogger Hop: Suggestions from Other Bloggers?

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Have you ever read a book that was suggested by another blogger?

So many that I can’t name them all. That’s the thing I love about being a blogger. I rarely read their reviews because they might contain even the smallest spoilers, but I do look at their ratings. And if they say it’s good, then I’ll give it a shot and it’ll be high on my TBR. If not, I don’t or it drops on my TBR.

What about you? Do you take suggestions from other bloggers? Do you think they take some from you? Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “Book Blogger Hop: Suggestions from Other Bloggers?

  1. I find I read reviews for the books I’m hesitant over and ones I know I want to read no matter what I’ll never read a single review…which those tend to be the ones you see the most of anyway! Lol. But yeah, I rely heavily on blogger friends when it comes to books I’m on the fence about.

    Here’s my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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