TTT: Book Events/Festivals I’d Love to Go to Someday!

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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 
This week’s topic is:

Book Events/Festivals I’d Love to Go to Someday

-YallWest: I got to do the Virtual one this year, but it just confirmed how bad I want to actyally be able to go to the one in person. They always have the coolest games and there’s always the coolest ARC editions ever!

ALA: I always go to TLA, but one day I want to go to the huge Librarian Convention put on by the ALA. I want to go to this one to basically just to go where this one is to see a new place and because I want to see all the different library people and newtwork and get ideas!!

-Juneteenth Book Fest: This past year was the virtual one, but I would love to see it develop into a real thing. I hope to be going to the next one if they still do make it in Galveston, Texas like they hinted at.

Any book event where Angie Thomas is: I met her once before, but I admit it…… I fangirled. And then because I was fan gitling, I panicked. I would love a do over so I can show her I’m not that weird smh lol

-Any event where Nic Stone is: I have all of her books and most of her ARCs. And yet, I have never met her. I can’t help but think I have been done a disservice because I have never met her lmao

North Texas Teen Book Fest- I would love to go one day, but it’s always around the same time as TLA. There’s no way I can take that time off so close together, so I miss out on it every year.

Texas Teen Bookfest: I have never been! I want to go at least once. It normally falls on the weekend that my little nephew has his birthday party, so I can only hope that one day it will be on a different weekend instead.

Any event that might happen in New York- Listen I have said multiple times my dream is to go to NYC and hope that I can meet the lions Patience and Fortitude. (10 points if you know why!)

Any festival in New Orleans: I just love the city! I would love to go to New Orleans anytime, but adding books makes me 1,000% more happy lol

-Any festival in a small city: I LOVE seeing the smaller events that are still somehow packed with people. It’s always really cute. It makes me wonder if the space is actually small, or if there are really that many people there.

What about you? Would you visit any of these festivals? Have you already been to some of these festivals? Let me know in the comments!

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3 thoughts on “TTT: Book Events/Festivals I’d Love to Go to Someday!

  1. New Orleans is in my top 5 cities in the world I want to visit and if there is a book fest going on, I would be in seventh heaven.

  2. OOh nice! We’ve got some of the same festivals too! We should plan one of those Texas ones together! 😉

    NOLA is a lot of fun! I’ve been there twice for two different events and usually try to go a day or two early just to get some sightseeing and touristy things in! I’d definitely go back there for an event too!

    Here’s my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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