Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey

E-Book, 179 pages
Publication September 20th 2011
Paranormal Romance
Source: NetGalley**

“It seemed so right. Danny was mine, I was his, and that wasn’t going to work if he was dead. So I would make him not dead, not anymore. I didn’t think any further than what it would feel like to kiss him again, to wrap my arms around him and bury my head against his shoulder.
That was my first mistake. It also turned out to be the biggest.”

When her boyfriend, Danny, is killed in a car accident, Wren can’t imagine living without him. Wild with grief, she uses the untamed powers she’s inherited to bring him back. But the Danny who returns is just a shell of the boy she once loved. Wren has spent four months keeping Danny hidden, while her life slowly unravels around her. Then Gabriel DeMarnes transfers to her school and somehow, inexplicably, he can sense her secret. Wren finds herself drawn to Gabriel, who is so much more alive than the ghost of the boy she loved. But Wren can’t turn her back on Danny or the choice she made for him—and she realizes she must find a way to make things right, even if it means breaking her own heart.

I really enjoyed this book, but I felt like it was over to soon 🙁 I felt like Garvey could have put a little more back story to it and made it a little more lengthy and I would have more excited. I would also have liked to know the “living ” Danny a bit more. I guess what I’m saying is the story was sooooo good, I would love to know more about all the characters. Besides that, it was a quick enjoyable read that was full of emotion. With each page I felt the raw pain that Wren held for Danny and I could see why she did what she did; even if it was the wrong thing to do. This read was also surprising to me, because it was actually my first read about zombies and I must admit I was a little skeptical, but it actually opened my eyes to a whole nother area of my favorite genre, Paranormal Romance. I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. I have already made my decision to pre-order this on my good ol’ Nook soon as I get a chance.

Overall, I give this **** (4 out of 5) 

*FTC Disclosure: I received this egalley from NetGalley. I do not receive payment of any kind in exchange for a review. I do not receive monetary compensation from any book links in my review. I would also like to give a big thank you to HarperCollins and NetGalley for letting me review this book.

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