In My Mailbox – The VERY mad edition…

I know I don’t normally do this meme, but this week its a MUST. Ok, so I have been in Huntsville, Texas for four years now going to school here and I have been in both the school and public library numerous times, but neither had very much of a selection…. Or so I thought. When I went to the public library I was stuck in a genre where they didn’t have much of it, so I didn’t really care too much to go back. But now that I have become obsessed with the Young Adult genre (really paranormal romance), I decided to check the website and see what they had in the YA department. (Plus since my Nook is broken out of commission and I can’t really do any reviews without giving myself a headache from reading from a computer screen, I had no choice but to give them another go.) I wasn’t expecting much because the library as a whole is small and also going through renovations, but OMG they had some really good stuff; stuff that my library back home doesn’t even have. I am VERY mad at myself for not checking them out sooner. So, this is what I got today. Sorry about the picture, but I was in a moving car and it is with my cell phone lol I was jut that excited. I got some things that a lot of you other bloggers have already read, but I never got the chance because I stay in Galveston, Texas where there is no malls, no Barnes & Nobles, (clearly) no Borders, the library only has things from April or earlier, and the choice at Wal-Mart is very slim. Thank goodness I decided to give Huntsville Public Library one last shot!

In case you can’t read the amazingness…
Die for Me by Amy Plum
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater (I’m VERY excited about this because I JUST said in my earlier post that I wanted it but couldn’t find it anywhere :] )
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
Firelight by Sophie Jordan
Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman
So, I guess I should make this meme continuous… But only when I get excited enough. This time was a good one. I waited a long time to get ahold of these books.
Have you read these? Can you tell me what you think of them?

One thought on “In My Mailbox – The VERY mad edition…

  1. I haven't read any of these! can't wait to read what you think of them. i've been debating on if I wanted to read Linger or not…if you say it's good then maybe i will!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her