Saving June by Hannah Harrington

E-Book, 304 pages
Published November 22, 2011
Stand alone

When her older sister commits suicide and her divorcing parents decide to divide the ashes, Harper Scott takes her sister’s urn to the one place June always wanted to go: California. On the road with her best friend, plus an intriguing guy with a mysterious connection to June, Harper discovers truths about her sister, herself and life.
     First of all, I would like to say this book was a pleasant surprise. When I read the book blurb, I was not expecting the greatness that was inside. It really caught me off guard. I was expecting something good, but (for lack of better words) got goooooood. I actually started reading this on accident. I was supposed to be reading something else, but my boyfriend slipped my Nook in my bag instead of my other book and I needed something to read, so I just picked this. After that, it was like I got swept into Harper’s life. I was sucked into her world and couldn’t break out of it. From the beginning I felt her heartache and her frustration and every other emotion in the book. There were some points where I was literally crying out loud and my boyfriend came in the room and asked “Are you ok? Oh its just a book…” I felt so connected with Harper and as much as I read, this was a first to be connected with a character THAT much. 
      This was also my first roadtrip book. To help me through it, I listened to the songs that came up throughout the book, many of which I hadn’t thought to listen to before and it further connected me to Harper. (This is also what caused me to cry and blubber like an idiot lol) So, not only did I expand my horizon with the different type of book, I also expanded my horizon with the different type of songs. This book taught me a lot about myself. I do like a variety of things, I just have to give it a chance. Nomally I just pass over it, but in this case, I’m glad I didn’t. It has opened my world to many other things.
Overall, I give this ***** (5 out of 5)
*FTC Disclosure: I received this egalley from NetGalley. I do not receive payment of any kind in exchange for a review. I do not receive monetary compensation from any book links in my review. I would also like to give a big thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for letting me review this book.

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