Cover Reveal #2

So some of these covers came out last week right after I had did my other post, so I’m here to catch up! You’ve probably seen some of these floating around the blogosphere, but even still, hope you enjoy! 

This is the cover for the sequel in the debut series of Jocelyn Davies. The first book was A Beautiful Dark. You can see my review for that here. I like the first cover better because of the way she is laid out, but this one looks dark and mysterious. And I love mysterious lol 

This is the third book in the Firelight series. Although it is still beautiful, I don’t think it can be put up to the ones that came before it. I posted them here at my review of the first book. You be the judge. 

Lastly, here is the third installment in the Matched series. Although the first two are still sitting on my TBR pile, I do plan to read them soon for the March Dystopian Challenge that I am doing on Goodreads. But regarding the cover, they are all so pretty. The first one is my favorite color and can be seen here. The second one was my other favorite color and can be seen here

This book is new to the online book world. It looks like a really interesting book from the blurb, and the actual cover is amazing! I love all the colors and the way the actual picture looks. The rose just looks great! See the GoodReads page for it here

What do you think of these covers?! Have you read these books? 

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her