Follow Friday & TGIF!!!

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
How does this work? First you leave your name here on their post then you create a post on your own blog that links back to their post and then you visit as many blogs as you can and tell them “hi” in their comments. You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you!

Q: Have you ever bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review?

A: Not BOUGHT one, but I have checked one out from the library. (And even then it was like 3 out of 10 people that were saying it wasn’t too good.) I’m risky, but not THAT risky lol 

What about you guys? 

TGIF is a weekly meme created and hosted by Ginger of GReads! that recaps the week’s posts and has a different question each week.
Posts for this week:

Book Series Finales: Which book, from any series has been your favorite ending? What about your least favorite ending?

A: Ok, I’m going a little cliche on this answer. My favorite endings were the Percy Jackson series and the Harry Potter series. (One that’s upcoming that I’m sure to LOVE is the ending to Kiersten White’s Paranormalcy series, Endlessly.) Ones that I didn’t really care for is Twilight’s end, Breaking Dawn. I just felt it was too long and the story was draggggging on. 

What about you? 

7 thoughts on “Follow Friday & TGIF!!!

  1. Ooh. I'm really looking forward to Endlessly as well. I adored the first two books.
    HP7 was done really well, and I know everything happened for a reason, but I still hold a grudge since TONS of my favorite characters died 😛

  2. It definitely makes much more sense borrowing a copy of a book from the library when there are mixed reviews. That way you don't spend the money and end up hating the book. Like the way you think =)

    My FF

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  3. I'm not a big library user (I really should be!) so if a book I'd like to read has gotten a lot of negative reviews, I look for a cheap eBook version. I usually snap up eBooks that have gone on sale for $0.99 of books that I've been hesitant about because of negative reviews.

    New Follower 🙂

    Feature & Follow at Radiant Shadows

  4. I agree with you! I wouldn't buy a book that has has bad reviews but I would take it out from the library if it interests me 🙂

  5. The library is always a good first stop. Now, if they would just do Kindle books…… 🙂

    Following from FF – sorry it's taken me a while to get round to you! It's my first week joining in, I hope you might have time to visit my FF post.

  6. I also loved the HP ending! My favorite ending of a series is the one of Cirque du freak.
    new follower!
    My FF!

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