My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent

E-Book, 296 pages
Published June 1, 2010
Turtleback Books
Soul Screamers Series #3
Source: Library
For fans of: YA, Paranormal Romance, Banshees

Kaylee and Nash discover that one of his football teammates is addicted to Demon’s Breath, a dangerous Netherworld substance that shouldn’t even be available in the human world. Now they must somehow dispose of it and cut off the supply–without socially alienating themselves.

     I must admit, it took me forever to pick this up because I was put off by the synopsis… But I guess its safe to say, “Don’t judge a book by its [synopsis on the] cover.” This book was filled with twists and turns and had me sitting and reading it bug eyed. I said I would finally give it a try because I needed something that would make me laugh but still keep me interested enough to read it, and I remembered the author’s voice and writing style from the first two books in this series and I decided to give it a try. It was a little darker than what I was shooting for, but it was sooo good I couldn’t put it down anyway. 
     Now on to the book. At the beginning I was confused as to what was going on with Nash but as I read, things began to make sense. I couldn’t believe that he would do that. (In the first two books of the series, I have to admit, I was smitten with him.) And at the price he was paying? I couldn’t imagine doing that. But I lost all respect for Nash. And Kaylee, I was so upset with her. She keeps getting herself in these situations because she thinks she must save everyone. But one day, saving everyone is going to get her killed… Stupid hero complex smh. But even with the characters getting on my nerves and trying to help everyone but themselves, I still felt that same connection to them. Vincent was able to take some real issues that teens deal with and pair it with a few paranormal characters, throw in some romance and made it into a great more “believable” novel. 
     I also liked how nothing that happened was predictable. I found myself realizing things at the same time as Kaylee which meant it wasn’t extremely obvious. It made it even more enjoyable because I got to enjoy all the twists and surprises in the story.  
     The ending was a doozie. I hated that things had to come to that, but hey he deserved it. Hence the reason, I am now #TeamTod. He stepped up and was there when Nash wasn’t and I found myself not even caring if he even escaped with them. Mean I know, but seriously…. Anyway, this was a very enjoyable read. I stayed up until 3:30 trying to finish the last few pages of it and it was worth every minute. (Even if I will pay for it in the morning when the boyfriend wakes up and asks for breakfast before work lol) 

Overall, I give this

Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent
Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent

Take Me Away

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