Gift by Andrea Buchanan

E-Book, 260 pages
Published March 27th, 2012
by Open Road Media
Source: NetGalley*
Recommended for: Paranormal Romance, YA

High school sophomore Daisy Jones is just trying to get by unnoticed. It doesn’t help that she’s the new girl at school, lives in a trailer park, and doesn’t even own a cell phone. But there’s a good reason for all that: Daisy has a secret, unpredictable power—one only her best friend, Danielle, knows about. 
Despite her “gift” (or is it a curse?), Daisy’s doing a good job of fitting in—and a cute senior named Kevin even seems interested in her! But when Daisy tries to help Vivi, a mysterious classmate in a crisis, she soon discovers that her new friend has a secret of her own. Now Daisy and her friends must deal with chilling dreams and messages from the beyond. Can Daisy channel the power she’s always tried to hide—before it’s too late? 
Extra features include:
•   A short graphic novel illustrated by Alexis Seabrook, telling Vivi’s story
•   Danielle’s journal, revealing her deepest thoughts

     From the moment I read the synopsis I was intrigued by the premise. It truly was one that I hadn’t heard of before and I just had to read the book, because I nosily wanted to know what her gift was. So I began reading… And then I couldn’t stop. I finally found out that the main character’s gift is the ability to mess with (or mess up) electronics, like cell phones, microwaves, and radios. Unfortunately, this is where my liking for the book stopped. 
     But then as I got to the meat of the story, I began to get confused. Daisy’s powers were discussed in the beginning of the story, but they weren’t EXPLAINED until way later in the story and I was confused about some of the things she could do. Also with her powers I noticed some details that didn’t make sense. She can’t use a cell phone or anything like that, but the fact that she can use a house phone…. Yeah last I checked that was electronic as well. 

    I also did not like the plot. It seemed like the further I got through it the more I wanted to put it down. I was definitely let down by this book. I made it through the first 2/3rds of the book and I just couldn’t finish it. 
Overall, I give this 
**FTC Disclosure: I recieved this egalley from NetGalley. I do not recieve payment of any kind in excahnge for a review. I do not recieve monetary compensation from any book links in my review. 

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