Waiting on Wednesday: 5/23/12

This meme tells of those books that we are desperately waiting, wanting, and wishing for! It was originally done by Breaking the Spine!
This week I’m waiting on the sequel to one of my favorite read from last year, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. If you read it, you know it ended on a VERY mysterious note, and I cannot wait to see where the story will lead to. Also, I am not ashamed to admit I’m deperately wanting more Noah Shaw too lol Now without further ado, my W.O.W:
 The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Two days after Mara walks into a police station in Miami at the close of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, she is committed for psychiatric treatment for what her parents believe is a mental breakdown. But what seems like a hallucination to everyone else is a chilling reality for Mara. Someone from her past has discovered her strange, disturbing secret and that someone wants her to pay. But she’s about to discover that the price is more than she can bear.

Dark and thrilling, suspenseful and passionate, The Evolution of Mara Dyer will have readers breathlessly turning pages to find out what will become of Mara Dyer next.

Expected publication: October 23, 2012
Now if that doesn’t draw you in, maybe the EXCERPT will. Me personally I haven’t read it, but only because I know better than to tease myself like that lol I’d drive myself crazy waiting until October lol
What are you waiting on this Wednesday?

One thought on “Waiting on Wednesday: 5/23/12

  1. YESSS! Can't wait to read this sequel and get more Noah!
    My W.O.W.

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy