Armchair BEA #3: Networking in Real Life

     Unfortunately, I am not one of those fortunate enough to have much experience in this category. Granted I have a couple friends who I knew before I started blogging who read just as much as me, but none really that I just gained from the blogging world and speak with all the time. And with me being such an introvert, its hard for me to just jump out and be like “HI I’M NIKKI WANT TO BE MY FRIEND?!” lol (Ok, I know it probably wouldn’t be like THAT, but still lol) I do have some friends who I have gained from winning giveaways, and commenting on their posts, or them commenting on mine, such as Sara over at Forever 17 Books. She usually has the same opinion in books as me, so I usually like “stalk” her blog for her memes and reviews lol
     Another unfortunate thing is the fact that the town where I stay only has one Barnes and Noble and it serves as the university campus bookstore. However we do have a Hasting’s that is barely hanging on to life. Yes, my town is just that small. So, with that being said, there are never any author events, or bookish events for that matter, near where I am. The closest would be Houston which is an hour away or Dallas which is three hours away and with me being a student and having a job, it gets hard to try and get to those places.
     I see networking as having someone I can “fangirl” with on the regular and they not think I’m strange. Basically just being a YA Book Club lol (Btw, I have been looking everywhere for one near me. Unfortunately they don’t have one of those either ๐Ÿ™‚
     I don’t really have any advice for anyone except to continue to put your blog out there so that it is seen and to join in with different memes and activities that go in the blogging world. Also, getting other social medias that have to do with your blog is a good idea. There have been many pageviews that I received just from posting my blog links to my Twitter.  Me personally, I have a twitter account, a Tumblr, a Library Thing account, a GoodReads account, and of course I’m on Barnes and Noble. And if you guys have ANY advice for me, leave me a comment and let me know! Or, if you would like to be my fangirl go to person, let me know that as well lol You can see all the books I reviewed and a link to them on my tab titled “Reviews A-Z by Title.”

To add me as a friend on GoodReads, click HERE ๐Ÿ™‚

One thought on “Armchair BEA #3: Networking in Real Life

  1. <333 OMG made my day to see that! I seriously don't know what I am saying or doing most of the time and just wing it. LOL But I do love to comment regularly on blogs, and of course yours is one of them! ๐Ÿ™‚

    That's a bummer that there isn't anything near you. I haven't linked my goodreads to the blog yet but I think that is probably a good idea to do soon. Twitter really is great for exposure. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her