TGIF! 7/20/12

TGIF is held over at GReads! and it gives us a bookish question every week! It nice to see what the answers from others are! 

This Friday’s Question:

Throwback TGIF: Pick a previous question you posted on your blog in the past & revisit your answer. Has it changed since then?

So, this is what I chose for my question:

Q: Book Moments: What has been your favorite moment (scene) in a book that you’ve read so far in 2012? Please be kind & not include spoilers.

A: Oh man, there were so many great moments in the books I’ve been reading. My last favorite moment included one from Insurgent, but since then I have read some amazing things. But I think I can bring it down to three…. So, here goes…. 
Something Like Normal
All I’m gonna say is baby turtles and the beach! Cutest thing EVER!
Pushing the Limits
The scene when Noah is speaking with Echo’s dad. Nuff said. I think I melted into a puddle then. I LOVE Noah *le swoon*
Deity (Covenant, #3)
If you know me and you’ve read it, you EXACTLY what scene I’m talking about, but I’m not trying to add any spoilers so I’ll be quiet. Just know that there is a certain something in there that made me read it three times lol 

So there’s mine! What do you think? Do you like any of the same scenes that I do? Or, what did YOU pick for your TGIF? Leave a link and let me know!

4 thoughts on “TGIF! 7/20/12

  1. We were at the beach in Florida when I was reading that book, and there were turtle nests marked with yellow tape all over the place. We saw one turtle in the surf too…I could relate….Great scene…great book…

  2. I'm so excited to read Pushing the Limits!! And I've heard so many good things about Something Like Normal. Definitely on my TBR list 🙂

  3. Baby turtles are ALWAYS A WIN! LOL, I haven't read the book yet but again, who can resist BABY TURTLES?! I haven't read the other two books but I've heard good things about them ( I NEED to read them!)

    ~Kailia @ Reading the Best

  4. Ooh, I know what scene you mean in Pushing the Limits and I really liked that scene too!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her