Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Books that Make you Think

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    
This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Books That Make You Think (About The World, People, Life, etc.)

1. Kissing Shakespeare by Pamela Mingle: I just finished this book and it was a very intriguing read. *Warning Spoilers* The entire book is about saving Shakespeare and being sure that he becomes the playwright that he will be in the “future” and not become a Jesuit priest. It made me think, what would happen if Shakespeare HADN’T written those plays…. What would our English teachers have done without him?!

2. If I Stay by Gayle Forman: I’ve seen this on a lot of lists, but I’m sure anyone who read this thought “What would I do if I had the choice to live or die. 

3. The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg: This book really made me think of the afterlife. If there was one and if we are reincarnated. 

4. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: Of course this book made me think about life and love in general. And the fact that they were so young really put it in perspective for me. 

5. Beauty Queens by Libba Bray: This book was filled with many issues that people in our world face. Although it was funny, it still dealt with some issues that caused me to think, such as sexuality.

6. Something Like Normal by Trish Doller: With this book I thought a lot about PTSD and the effect it had on not only soldiers, but their friends and family as well. Because I could relate to it, it really hit home. 

7. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment by Steve Harvey: This made me think about my relationship a lot.

8. Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Don’t judge me, but with all the cyborgs and hovercrafts being the means of transportation, I couldn’t help but ask myself if this is what the future holds for us. 

9. Delirium by Lauren Oliver: This book made me really sit and think about love as a disease. How would that work if the world really thought that way? Would we try to get rid of it as they did? 


Well, hope you enjoyed my lists! It took me a minute to come up with all 10, but I got it done and I really liked this list! Let me know if you have any of the same books on your list! I love comparing notes!!!

One thought on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Books that Make you Think

  1. Something Like Normal is a good one to have on your list! I didn't even think of that one when I was making mine. We have a few in common but I love how you said, what would our english teachers do without Shakespeare. LOL Great list! 🙂
    My TTT

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