Follow Friday: Halloween Edition 2012

Finally the most anticipated day of the week! Don’t you just love that feeling when you finally get off and realize you don’t have to go back for 2 days! SCORE!

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Q: What book do you think would make a great Halloween movie? Please explain in graphic detail of goriness . . .

Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1) Girl of Nightmares (Anna, #2)
A: This week I’m afraid I’m going to have to go with the most generic answer as I don’t read much horror anymore. (I read a lot of Stephen King, but most of his stuff is already made into movies lol) But anyways, I would LOVE to see the Anna Dressed in Blood series made into movies. It has the right amount of creep factor and a ghost with blood and a touch of voodoo?! Yeah I’d totally watch that. 

What about you? 

19 thoughts on “Follow Friday: Halloween Edition 2012

  1. Two of the most popular choices for this one! I need to get both of them soon somehow! ^.^ New follower (Frodosco – GFC). If you would like to check out my FF you can do so here. πŸ™‚

  2. Oh yeah, great minds think alike! My choice too πŸ™‚ Gotta love the creep and gore factor in this novel.. *new follower*

    My FF

    Happy Reading πŸ™‚

    Keely @ Realms of an Open Mind

  3. I really liked Anna too – and it would definitely be a pretty good Halloween movie. I haven't read the 2nd book yet.

  4. Anna would make a very creepy movie! Thanks for the follow! I followed back by GFC.

  5. I love this book series! I also think the author is really awesome and fun..I met her at a book festival and she was so nice! πŸ™‚

  6. I really want to read Anna Dressed in Blood. It looks so creepy, and I love the concept. New Follower.

  7. I picked Anna too πŸ™‚
    New follower

    Here's our ff-
    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  8. Yes, she IS popular, but for good reason! Great minds think alike! Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Anna is the first name for Halloween reads/movie.
    New Follower!
    Thanks for stopping by <a href="> My FF</a>

  10. Although I love a good ghost story, I could not get into Anna Dressed in Blood. I really wanted to like it, but I thought the MC was kind of annoying.

    But I do think it would make a great Halloween movie!

    Thanks for stopping by my Friday Hop πŸ™‚

  11. I've heard great things about this book but I haven't been able to pick it up! I hear it's super super creepy though. From what I read from the summary, it would make a awesome Halloween movie! Thanks for stopping by. Following you back.

    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

  12. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Love these books. πŸ˜‰

    New follower.

    – Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment

  13. Same answer! Though I haven't read it, too scary for me.
    Old Follower πŸ™‚
    Thanks for stopping by My FF

  14. I completely agree. I have read and loved both of these books! Thanks for stopping by my FF. I'm following back : )

  15. Oh nice choices πŸ˜‰

    New Follower.
    Thanks for stopping by mine last week!
    -Becky @ Book Bite Reviews

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