TTT: Books that I Resolve to Read in 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
January 1, 2013: Top Ten Books I Resolve To Read In 2013
These are in no particular order.

I’m not sure why I haven’t read any of these before, but they are highest on my TBR pile than any others!

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1)Everneath (Everneath, #1)Halo (Halo, #1)
1. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about this. I’m not sure why I haven’t read it yet.
2. Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Same as above.
3. Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
This book (as well as the rest of the series) is surrounded by controversy.  I want to see what its all about. 
Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)Forever My Girl (The Beaumont, #1)Slammed (Slammed, #1)
4. Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
Same as #1
5. Forever My Girl by Heidi McLaughlin
This book sounds sooooo good and I heard its included in one of my new fave genres, New Adult!
6. Slammed by Colleen Hoover
I asked for some recs on New Adult and no less than 7 people named this one. Have to see what the hype is about! 
Stolen: A Letter to My CaptorThe Host (The Host, #1)Shattered Souls (Souls #1)
7. Stolen: A letter to my Captor by Lucy Christopher 
When I first started blogging, I came across this book in the library and I wanted to read it but I put it back on the shelf. Since then, I have gone to check it out, but its never there so it MUST be good!
8. The Host by Stephenie Meyer
With the movie coming out, I can’t put it off anymore. It’s been sitting on my Nook waiting to be read since I first got my Nook… And that was in 2010 -__-
9. Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey
I’m ashamed to say I haven’t read this one! It’s set in my home town of Galveston  Tx and I know I would enjoy it just for that reason alone!
Matched (Matched, #1)
10. Matched by Allie Condie
I’ve said I would read this over and over again. And I still haven’t and the final book in the series was released in 2012. I need to read this because all my bookish friends have said its amazing! 
So, what are you resolving to read in 2013? 

5 thoughts on “TTT: Books that I Resolve to Read in 2013

  1. I have some of these on my list as well. You definitely should read Slammed. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the characters. Good luck and happy New Year!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  2. Um, I want to read ALL OF THESE! Except for The Host and Matched, which I already read. But Slammed and Daughter of Smoke and Bone especially, can't wait!! I hope you get to read and love all of these books 🙂

    Judith (Paper Riot)

  3. Yay! Someone else who hasn't read Daughter of Smoke and Bone! You have quite a few amazing books on your list. I particularly loved Shattered Souls, Matched and Everneath. I hope you can make some time for them this year!

    My Top Ten

  4. Great list. I definitely recommend The Host and Matched, as both were 5 star books for me. A lot of your other books are on my list, too. I hope you can get to them all! Thanks for stopping by!

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