TTT: Series I’d Love to Start But Haven’t

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Series I’d Love to Start But Haven’t Yet
These are in no particular order.

The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles, #1)The Selection (The Selection, #1)Blood Red Road (Dust Lands, #1)
1. The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan- I love the Percy Jackson series and I loved the first installment of the Heroes of Olympus series, so I’m pretty sure that I would love this one too. Also, Egyptian mythology?! Yes please! (Complete series: The Red Pyramid #1, The Throne of Fire #2, & The Serpent’s Shadow #3)
2. The Selection series by Kiera Cass– I’ve heard mixed reviews about this, but I decided I HAD to read it when I saw “The Hunger Games meets the Bachelor.” Does this mean killing people while finding the one you love?! I HOPE so! (Complete Series: The Prince #0.5, The Selection #1, The Elite #2,  & Untitled #3)
3. The Dustlands Series by Mira Young– I really have heard nothing but great things about this series. I’m really not sure WHY I haven’t read it yet… I mean a girl…. who’s a fighter… and joins a gang of girl revolutionaries?! Can you say kick ass heroine?! (Complete Series: Blood Red Road #1, Rebel Heart #2, & Untitled #3)
The Vincent Boys (The Vincent Boys, #1)Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)Incarnate (Newsoul, #1)
4. The Vincent Brothers series by Abbi Glines– Is this a companion novel? Does that count? Anyways, I’ve heard so many great things about the Vincent brothers and I need to meet them for myself. Especially since the things I’ve heard have included phrases like “steamy scenes” and “hot book boys.” (Complete Series: The Vincent Boys #1 & The Vincent Brothers #2)
5. His Fair Assassin series by Robin LaFevers-  Omg I’ve heard its about nun assassins and the God of Death. The only reason I haven’t read it yet is I’m not actually a huge fan of books set in the past. (Complete Series: Grave Mercy #1, Dark Triumph #2, & Mortal Heart #3)
6. The Newsoul series by Jodi Meadows– I’ve checked this book out twice from the library but never got around to it. I’m not sure why I haven’t read it. And I mean come on, the cover is BEAUTIFUL. And we all know what kind of a cover whore I am. I NEED to get on it and read this. (Complete Series: Incarnate #1, Asunder #2, & Untitled #3)
Eve (Eve, #1)Matched (Matched, #1)Daughter of Smoke & Bone
7. The Eve series by Anna Carey– This was first released when I wasn’t that interested in dystopian. But then I read “The Hunger Games” and it opened my eyes to the genre. Now I can’t wait to read the series and find out what all the fuss was about. I’m really interested in where the story will go. (Complete Series: Eve #1, Once #2, & Rise #3)
8. The Matched Series by Ally Condie– Another book that I heard about when I wasn’t a fan of dystopias. I heard this one was about forbidden love and I fell in love. Stories of where the main characters have to fight for their love makes me *swoon*! (Complete Series: Matched #1, Crossed #2, & Reached #3)
9. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor– OK, before you bite my head off I had EVERY intention of reading it. But then Idk what happened. But it sounds amazing. It apperantly tells the story of what happens when an angel and a devil fall in love. The saddest thing about this is….. It’s actually sitting on my shelf smh (Complete Series: Daughter of Smoke and Bone #1, Days of Blood & Starlight #2, & Untitled #3)
Forgive My Fins (Fins, #1)
10. The Fins series by Tera Lynn Childs– I didn’t find out about this series until after I started blogging and by then the third book in the series was already coming out. I just never went back to it and I’m not sure why. (Complete Series: Forgive my Fins #1, Fins are Forever #2, & Just For Fins #3)
11. The Graceling realm series by Kristin Cashore– I’m not a huge fan of high fantasy. But I did LOVE (read “obsess over”) Harry Potter so maybe I should give it a go. (Complete Series: Graceling #1, Fire #2, & Bitterblue #3)
12. The Darkest Minds series by Alexandra Bracken– The reason I chose this as a runner up is because this a fairly new release and the second book isn’t going to be out for awhile. But I have heard so many great things about this book. I need to read it. The bad thing is, again, its sitting unread on my shelf smh (Complete Series: The Darkest Minds #1, Never Fade #2, & Untitled #3)

9 thoughts on “TTT: Series I’d Love to Start But Haven’t

  1. I've read The Red Pyramid and Grave Mercy and really enjoyed both of them. Daughter of Smoke and Bone has been sitting on my shelf for a while now. I can't believe I forgot to put it on my list.

    My TTT

  2. Just want to put in a plug for Blood Red Road. One of my favorites. I've also read Grave Mercy and loved it. And Daughter of Smoke and Bone — not to be missed. You have lots of work, here! Get going!

  3. I really loved Blood Red Road but I haven't gotten around to the sequel yet. I'm a little nervous because a couple of friends didn't like the second book so I think I'm going to hold off until the next book comes out. Grave Mercy was so close to being on my list too! Eve and Incarnate as well. There are just too many books released each month to keep up with all of these series! I hope you get to read some of these soon!

    My Top Ten

  4. Your list is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

    Check out my TTT:

  5. I just finished Grave Mercy this past week and LOVED it! Also Graceling is awesome. Really enjoyed that series too! Must reads!

    Check out my TTT.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  6. We have so many of the same books on our lists ! I need to get around to The Selection and Matched.

  7. If you can only read one of the series on your list this year it has GOT to be Daughter of Smoke & BOne!!! It's freaking amazing! After Harry Potter, it's my favorite series. The second book Days of Blood & Starlight was just as good, dare I say better then the first! DEF RECOMMENDED!

    I also LOVED Graceling! Fantastic world and strong characters!

    My TTT:

  8. I really like the Percy Jackson series, but I wasn't madly in love with The Red Pyramid. I haven't read any of the other books in that series. It isn't bad at all, just not as wonderful as Percy Jackson, in my opinion.

    I also need to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Grave Mercy! Oh and Graceling! I'm not huge on high fantasy either, but I don't dislike them. It just takes me a little longer to get into them. I think I need to read Graceling though. Everyone is saying I should today 🙂

  9. The Selection was amazing and Eve was great. I also really want to read Matched and Daughter of Smoke and Bone soon. Amazing choices! 🙂

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