TTT: Books I HAD to buy… But are still sitting unread on my shelf smh

     First off I wanna say I apologize for the lack of posts this past week. I was in a place without internet and couldn’t get on. I would have warned you, but my parents decided not to tell me. Saying that I needed  break from being on the computer so much. I really think my mom wanted to get me out of the house.

     But anyways, now I’m back in full effect since I’m back at my own “Mansion” lol So everything will go up as scheduled. Maybe I’ll do double time posts since I missed some…..

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Books I HAD to buy… But are still sitting unread on my shelf smh
These are in no particular order.
White Cat (Curse Workers, #1)A Tale Dark & Grimm (A Tale Dark & Grimm, #1)The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds, #1)
1. White Cat by Holly Black: I had heard so much about this series and I just had to have it. And yet, its still unread on my shelf smh
2. A Tale Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz: Fairy tale retellings? We all know how I love those. Not sure why I haven’t read this one yet. 
3. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken: Everyone raved about this one last year and I gave in to the hype and wanted to read it so bad. And I just never did. 
Clash (Crash, #2)Forever My Girl (Beaumont, #1)So Close to You (So Close to You, #1)
4. Clash by Nicole Williams: Crash wasn’t all that great to me, but I figured this one might be better because I mean, more Jude. So I bought it. 
5. Forever my Girl by Heidi McLaughlin: I bought this because it had a country song feeling to the cover and everyone knows country is emotional. I think at the time I needed a good cry, but I got over the feeling and just never read it. 
6. So Close to You by Rachel Carter: I bought this solely on the cover. Its no wonder why its still sitting on my TBR shelf. I don’t even know what the synopsis is about off the top of my head smh 
Daughter of Smoke & BoneNevermore (Nevermore, #1)The Host (The Host, #1)
7. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor: I know, I know. I NEED to read this. Especially with the sequel being out already. It’s just when I bought it, I was swamped with review books and I just never got around to it. I plan to read it sometime this year tho. 
8. Nevermore by Kelly Creagh: Edgar Allan Poe?! I’m all over that. Have I read it? Ummmm….. about that….. 
9. The Host by Stephenie Meyer: I bought this only because it was by Mrs. Meyer. Idk why I never actually read it. Maybe I was intimidated by the size??? I’m going to try and read it soon tho. The movie is coming out this month and it looks really good. 
Sweet Venom (Medusa Girls, #1)
10. Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs:I LOVE mythology and I just knew that I would love this one. But I never got around to it. 
So, what books do you have still sitting on your shelf after yearning for them?!

7 thoughts on “TTT: Books I HAD to buy… But are still sitting unread on my shelf smh

  1. So many of those are on mine, too. I just didn't list them! I will say White Cat? Is really, relaly good.

  2. White Cat and Daughter of Smoke and Bone are MUST READS, but you already know that, so I will just gently encourage you to hurry up and go read them! I was not a fan of Darkest Minds. I wanted to be, but there were too many issues. Here's my list of shame

  3. You have got to read White Cat ! It's such a good book and it is pretty short so it won't take you long.

  4. I want to read several of these, but the one I have read is The Host, which I just LOVED. The first 100ish pages are hard to get through, but after that it's amazing. And it's not your average love triangle, either. Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  5. Great list! I also want to read Darkest Minds, White Cat, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I really didn't like Nevermore (as much as I wanted to, because of Poe!) Sweet Venom looks cool.

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  6. Definitely read The Host! It is a great book and the movie is coming out soon. I might re-read it before that, it's been a long time! You can read my TTT here!

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