738 Days by Stacey Kade

Paperback, 431 pages

Release Date: June 7, 2016
Published by: Forge Books
Source: BEA 2016
For fans of: Contemporary, Romance, Thrillers, NA, Realistic Fiction

     At fifteen, Amanda Grace was abducted on her way home from school. 738 days later, she escaped. Her 20/20 interview is what everyone remembers—Amanda describing the room where she was kept, the torn poster of TV heartthrob Chase Henry on the wall. It reminded her of home and gave her the strength to keep fighting.
     Now, years later, Amanda is struggling to live normally. Her friends have gone on to college, while she battles PTSD. She’s not getting any better, and she fears that if something doesn’t change soon she never will.
     Six years ago, Chase Henry defied astronomical odds, won a coveted role on a new TV show, and was elevated to super-stardom. With it, came drugs, alcohol, arrests, and crazy spending sprees. Now he’s sober and a Hollywood pariah, washed up at twenty-four.
     To revamp his image, Chase’s publicist comes up with a plan: surprise Amanda Grace with the chance to meet her hero, followed by a visit to the set of Chase’s new movie. The meeting is a disaster, but out of mutual desperation, Amanda and Chase strike a deal. What starts as a simple arrangement, though, rapidly becomes more complicated when they realize they need each other in more ways than one. But when the past resurfaces in a new threat, will they stand together or fall apart?


*”This book is part of the new adult contemporary romance genre! It is more mature than both YA and MG. I have featured it in Between the Covers as a way to feature the few Adult and New Adult titles I am beginning to read!”  This book will contain strong language and explicit sexual scenes. Intended for adults 18 and up!  


     To start, I had never heard of this book before BEA. But I saw it mentioned on one of the fliers and one quick check of Goodreads told me all I needed to know about this book. That I wanted to read it. The cool thing about getting this at BEA is the fact that I even got to meet the author and chat with her. Stacey Kade is super cool and now I can’t wait for her YA book that comes out in August!
“How are you ever supposed to start over if people won’t give you a chance?”

pg. 173

     Amanda Grace was taken on her way home unwillingly. She’s able to escape, but feels as if she has more damage than she started with. Then comes Chase Henry who had a helping hand in helping her survive and wants to meet her. (According to his publicist.) But things don’t go according to plan and their meeting takes a turn for the worse. 
“If people are going to judge us by our pasts, […] then I’m at least going to control how it happens and make it work for us. We are not our mistakes, our tragedies, We’re more than that.”

pg. 175

     The number one thing I loved abot this book was the storyline. I was literally hooked from page one. There was something going on with every page turn. It really surprised me because after finding out we wouldn’t get that much of her backstory, we would miss most of the mystery. But there was also another mystery in there that was really enjoyable. 
“On the internet deliberate. anonymous cruelty is a sport.”

pg. 295

     I also loved Chase. He made so many mistakes in his past, but he never let that stop him. He sed them to make him a better person. And for that I admired him. He was more real life to me because he was able to admit his mistakes. Along with Chase, the romance was #AMASE-ing (See what I did there. If you’ve read it, you get it lol) I loved that the both of them came together for each other and used each other to feel better.
“Fuck fear. I’m so sick of it.”

pg. 316

     The only things I didn’t like about the book was the ending. It felt rushed. That whole scene set-up and then it was over in a page. Idk. Maybe it was because it was already at 400+ pages and needed to be ended right away, but yeah it seemed like rushed. Also a lot of the time the other characters (besides Chase) started to get on my nerves. EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS BOOK IS SO SELFISH OMG. And it sucked even more because there was only one person in this book who deserved to be selfish.
“Life is too short to hold yourself back. From love, from happiness, from the fear of falling when you could have the joy of jumping. And I of all people should know that.”

pg. 352

     Thanks to BEA I was able to grab a truly awesome thriller that I can see myself reading again. Y’all if you haven’t heard of this “epic” read, add it to your TBR. It’s such a good book! You definitely won’t regret it. 
Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy