Book Blogger Hop: Book Worm Nikki!

When did you first know you were truly a book worm? Did you lose sleep over a novel?

I’ve known all my life really. I used to tell my mom I wanted to “go to McDonald’s and the Library” for my birthday parties. And when my mommy asked what I want to be when I grew up, I said I wanted to work in the library when all my classmates were saying they wanted to be the President and teachers and astronauts. And my mom told me I taught myself to read at 4, I used to read random signs when we went places, and I would get myself in trouble by reading my reader ahead of everyone else in my class. 

As far as losing sleep over a novel, kind of.  I normally find that I dream about books, not lose sleep over them. But that’s not when I knew about being a book worm. I knew words were my thing a long time ago.

What about you?
Do you have a story similar to mine as you’ve always known?
Let me know in the comments! 

One thought on “Book Blogger Hop: Book Worm Nikki!

  1. Very nice! I've felt like I've always been a reader in some sense, but the bookworm bit didn't bite until I was a teenager and then that's all I wanted to do with my free time!

    Here's my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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