Book Blogger Hop: Go To Recs!

What is your go to recommendation for someone who doesn’t read often?

That kind of depends…. I usually ask them what was the last book they liked, and if they don’t remember, I ask them what tv shows I like. I know this isn’t always the case for everyone, but it seems to work for my patrons at my branch. Especially if they don’t really read. They can normally always find a show they like and since I read so much I can normally find one that matches. (Hey that sounds like a good TTT topic… lol)

What about you?
What’s your go to recs?
Do you have a process like I do? 
Let me know in the comments! 

One thought on “Book Blogger Hop: Go To Recs!

  1. Oooh that's a good route to go! Ironically my favorite show is Supernatural, so that explains a lot! Though my reading habits came first, so maybe it's more of a vice versa in that situation! Lol!

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